Wednesday, April 24, 2019

I Agree with Gadfly


An American Citizen with an Inquiring Mind

Gadfly’s recent essay, “Are You Stupid or Smart?” is one of his better ones. "Stupid" does get the attention of the reader, that is, until the reader self identifies with "Stupid". Gadfly admits we cannot educate “stupid” by insulting stupid. However, Gadfly is frustrated and perhaps very angry with his fellow man. Many of us are angry with our fellow Americans. It is not pleasant to watch a large part of our society being fooled.

In today’s world of instant access to all information, there can be no reason for citizens not knowing. The fooled choose to not know. It’s Forrest Gump on steroids. Some call this civic ignorance; however, I believe what is happening today goes beyond stupid or civic ignorance. The fooled have no conscience and no ideology. They, like Forrest Gump, just exist. They, like Hayek said and Gadfly quotes, imitate what they are fed. They are prey. They are for the taking and they vote.

Ah, but the “foolers”; they are the radical left, the popular media, the crony capitalists and the Washington elites. They are partners. Their ideology is grounded in a secular cause which defies reason, ignores history, tramples the constitution and uses a political party as a platform (until there is no longer a need for a party as their objective is total domination and control). They believe they have all knowledge and have defined absolute truth and their self-destructive ends justify their means. By any reasonable, moral or historical standard, they are insane.

The United States is in a Civil War - a war of ideas. Congress is polarized, paralyzed, feckless, emasculated, without common values; has delegated its law-making authority to administrative agencies and is unable to govern. An ineffectual legislative branch and ignorant citizens embolden the enemy and weaken our Republic.

Our home-grown socialists have hijacked the (once a great) Democrat party. Republicans such as Mitt Romney and the late John McCain put conservative values to shame. JFK or Harry Truman could not even get on the democrat ticket today, let alone get elected. We are no longer governed by the Constitution. We are governed by the administrative state
Judging by the events and what we have learned since the 2016 election, we know that had Trump lost the election we would be on a fast track to socialism and the loss of our Republic. We learned this ideology of the self-declared socialists in Congress and our federal agencies is so self-righteous it compromised the State Department, the CIA, the FBI, the Department of Justice, NSA and, possibly, a past president.

With a weak president and without Fox News and talk radio; Muller, the hijacked democrat party and their media partners would have brought about a successful round one, the impeachment of a president, and round two, the denial of seating a president’s supreme court justice selection.
Old Gadfly is right. We are in trouble. Socialists and political elites have studied Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals and know that to succeed they must be relentless, vile, lying, evil, and feed off civic ignorance. A Republic is a fragile thing. What do we do to prevent socialist ideologues from destroying our Republic and turning our country into what has happened to other great societies that have failed?

There is an answer. This answer is disruptive, non-violent, requires Americans to reset their priorities, sacrifice some of their non-essential pursuits and reassess patriotism. Kind of like what the Founders had to do when they were in trouble after the American revolution and knew that they had to have a Constitution that would allow this hard-fought freedom from an oppressive Great Britain to be permanent. I believe this is what Old Gadfly may write about in his next article.

1 comment:

  1. Great article!! I would only add that Congress has also delegated it's responsibilities to "activist" judges, which makes the appointment of judges who respect and protect the Constitution all the more important.
