Tuesday, February 19, 2019

Resisting America’s Ruling Class


I watched the Andrew McCabe interview on 60 Minutes. My reaction: Andrew McCabe meet John Dean.

If anyone has had a chance to read the incredibly well-documented book, Silent Coup, by Len Colodny who does not use anonymous sources, they will see how ambitious and unvirtuous people can generate such malignancy.  Even today, most Americans have no idea of the real Watergate story.  For example, see Jim Hougan’s Secret Agenda and Geoff Shepard’s The Real Watergate Scandal.
John Dean, Nixon’s General Counsel, orchestrated the Watergate break-ins and then orchestrated the cover-up.  In the process, numerous Nixon-associated officials became collateral damage (as in the Mueller investigations) and Nixon was forced to resign (certainly the American left’s goal for Trump).  These activities took place months after Nixon won reelection in a landslide, taking every state except for Massachusetts and the District of Columbia.  The Washington Post’s Bob Woodward also played a key role, and his “deep throat” source was General Alexander Haig while serving as Nixon’s Deputy National Security Advisor in Nixon’s first term and as his Chief of Staff in the second term.  As Colodny reports in the 25th anniversary edition of his book, Dean and Woodward sued, unsuccessfully, to prevent the books original publication in 1991.  In the current era, we see numerous Bob Woodward wannabes in the left-leaning media.

McCabe was a small player in America’s ruling class. Inexperienced but “horny” for the orgasm of power, McCabe was arrogant and careless in his attempt to apply power against a duly elected President.  Other players, big (Obama, Biden, Clinton) and small (Clapper, Brennan, Rice, Powers, Comey, Ohr, Crowdstrike, GPS Fusion, etc.), are now at great risk of being held accountable for subverting our Constitution and the rule of law.
Yesterday, a day following McCabe's 60 Minutes “cover-up” performance, President Trump gave a speech on Venezuela in Miami, Florida. I watched the speech real time on Fox News, the only network that covered the speech. As I flipped channels to CNN and MSNBC, in particular, pundits were expressing sympathy for McCabe, “the victim.”  Later in the evening, there was not one second devoted to the speech by any of the networks except for Fox's Hannity.

Coincidentally, yesterday I watched Evita, with Madonna playing the role of Eva Peron, the First Lady of Argentina from 1946 to 1952.  Like America’s First Lady Melania Trump, she was beautiful.  Unlike Melania, Eva was practically worshiped by Argentina’s people.  Peron was a champion for her husband’s political agenda, which was modeled after Mussolini’s.  Like Venezuela, Argentina was once one of the most thriving nations in the world until it was afflicted by socialism.

The most significant part of President Trump’s speech was about socialism. This is the first time of which I am aware that a prominent public official in American politics, let alone the President, has had the backbone to call out this ideology and to explain why it is so antithetical to the American dream. Without ever mentioning Democrats, any objective observer will notice how President Trump’s description of socialism closely aligns with today's Democrat Party (as I explicitly discussed in “Defining America’s Democrat”). 

President Trump pulled no punches in his speech:
We know that socialism is not about justice, it's not about equality, it's not about lifting up the poor -- it's about one thing only: power for the ruling class. And, the more power they get, the more they crave. They want to run health care, run transportation and finance, run energy, education, run everything. They want the power to decide who wins and who loses, who's up and who's down, what's true and what's false, and even who lives and who dies.

The timing of President Trump’s Venezuela speech is critical for two reasons.  First, President Trump is showing leadership in his support for the Venezuelan people, primarily, and for Cubans, Nicaraguans, and other Western Hemisphere people seeking freedom.  Second, President Trump has put the growing cohort of Democrat Presidential candidates on notice that he will ensure the American people truly understand the left’s “ruling class” agenda.

The Democrat “ruling class” agenda is hiding in the open.  There are no secrets here.  In a lengthy article, “Winning Is Not Enough,” published this past summer, Paul Glastris, Editor in Chief of the Washington Monthly (a 501(c)(3) nonprofit corporation), used the following as the subtitle:  Democrats are focused on taking back power—but our democracy depends on them keeping it. To do that, they have to start thinking differently.

President Trump is the culmination of an alienated America:  the result of the left’s concerted efforts to agitate and divide Americans, beginning in the Progressive era at the turn of the 20th century and accelerating in the 1960s.  President Trump brings hope for the unity that once provided the political refuge Americans counted upon.
Today’s Washington Examiner article, “How the Collapse of Communities Gave Us Trump,” by Timothy Carney adeptly captures this phenomenon.  President Trump does not believe in a ruling class.  He believes in sovereign people--“We the People” that believe in a Constitutional Republic and the rule of law—not the rule of men.