Wednesday, September 15, 2021




          In my lifetime, the only American President I have heard or read to be an authoritarian is Donald Trump.  For example, see here, here, and here.  Even worse is the example here:  The “evidence” offered to support the authoritarian premise is tautological (i.e., a statement that is true by necessity or by virtue of its logical form) in its construction . . . but it sure reads like the truth.

          Most of Trump’s Executive Orders were designed to reduce the insidious authoritarian policies from previous regimes.  When progressive federal judges imposed injunctions, Trump honored them until they were overruled by higher courts in accordance with our Constitution.

          Yes, Trump did fire members of his staff when their agenda was not compatible with his.  Trump was the one elected by “we the people,” and his allegiance was to them via Constitutional authority.

          What is missing from the left’s domination of the public narrative is that while Trump did not accept the explanations for the 2020 election (e.g., we’re still waiting to hear the results of the Arizona audit) he voluntarily left the White House.  There was no coup. 

Yet, talk about insurrection at the Capitol on January 6, 2021, completely ignores or denies the actual insurrection that took place across America during the summer of 2020.  Here is an excerpt from Mike Gonzalez’s recently published book, BLM:  The Making of a New Marxist Revolution:

Today, the First and Fourth Amendments prohibit much of the domestic surveillance work that would have been necessary to know how much of the 2020 protests were organized by a tight-knit group of Marxists.  We don't have the liberal democracy village by letting others destroy the liberal democracy village.  But have we left ourselves without adequate protection?  The changes that the leaders of the BLM organizations want would erode or extinguish our liberties.  This presents a conundrum.  Any conservative who may be tempted to think that those constitutional protections leave us vulnerable must balance that very real concern with the equally valid consideration of what an unleashed FBI could do to conservative movements freely carrying out constitutionally protected activity [Note: consider, for example, the FBI manufactured “right-wing conspiracy to kidnap a sitting governor].

As a result, there is no place in the federal government--not in the Justice Department, the Department of Homeland Security, the FBI, or the DNI--where one can find out how much the 2020 protests, and all the deep societal changes that have followed in their wake, were the work of a network of groups whose leaders are committed to implementing a communist blueprint in the United States.  PolitiFact's Tom Kertscher is completely right in saying that many Americans who reject communism support Black Lives Matter.  When my well-meaning neighbors put up lawn signs that both praise BLM and declare "silence is violence," they don't get the contradiction.  They don't know what they don't know (pp. xx-xxi).

          With all the hype about a leftist authoritarian characterization of Donald Trump (and Trump voters by association), Joe Biden is being celebrated for his actual authoritarianism.  His calls for unity belie the demand for surrender and cooptation.  As F.A. Hayek observed in his chapter, “Planning and Democracy,” in The Road to Serfdom,

The common features of all collectivist systems may be described, in a phrase ever dear to socialists of all schools, as the deliberate organization of the labors of society for a definite social goal. That our present society lacks such “conscious” direction toward a single aim, that its activities are guided by the whims and fancies of irresponsible individuals, has always been one of the main complaints of its socialist critics.

In many ways, this puts the basic issue very clearly.  And it directs us at once to the point where the conflict arises between individual freedom and collectivism.  The various kinds of collectivism, communism, fascism, etc., differ among themselves in the nature of the goal toward which they want to direct the efforts of society.  But they all differ from liberalism and individualism in wanting to organize the whole of society and all its resources for this unitary end and in refusing to recognize autonomous spheres in which the ends of the individuals are supreme.  In short, they are totalitarian in the true sense of this new word which we have adopted to describe the unexpected but nevertheless inseparable manifestations of what in theory we call collectivism (p. 100; bold, italics are mine).

           We are being told the greatest threat to America is domestic white supremacy.  Yet, despite the evidence of thousands killed via Islamist ideology and hundreds of riots in 2020 stemming from leftist BLM and Antifa ideology, we are led to believe the January 6 Capitol riot represented an existential threat of white supremacy led by Donald Trump (like Orwell's manufactured Emmanuel Goldstein in 1984).  

Hundreds of Capitol rioters have been incarcerated for months without bail for mostly misdemeanor charges.  Some are in solitary confinement.  One Capitol rioter was returned to jail after being released on bail with a mandate from the judge to refrain from use of the Internet (a form of censorship).  Eerily, this form of government power was emphasized by Orwell in 1984 when O’Brien lectured Winston Smith: “Power is in tearing human minds to pieces and putting them together again in new shapes of your own choosing.”     

The FBI has already reported there was no conspiracy to incite an insurrection on January 6, but Congress presses forward with its "insurrection" meme via a special committee to investigate the Capitol riot, issuing hundreds of subpoenas.  

Americans (to include a former president) with unacceptable political views are being "deplatformed," some even denied banking service

Then, there is the complicated set of lockdowns, quarantines, and mandated vaccinations and masks.  Check out this Tucker Carlson segment from his September 14 program.  In addition to explaining the little known (media suppression) loss of medical personnel from hospitals because they choose not to be vaccinated, Carlson explains how this Administration further divides Americans in terms of those who comply with authoritarian dictates and those who do not.

Last week, in an unprecedented action, 11 members of the Academies' Congressionally mandated Boards of Visitors were illegally/unconstitutionally terminated because their "values" were not aligned with the current Administration.

This week we learn from Bob Woodward that Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff General Mark Milley conspired against President Trump (see my earlier articles about Milley here and here).  If true, Milley’s actions are far more egregious than the private letter General Douglas MacArthur sent to Massachusetts Congressman Joe Martin in 1951 expressing his disagreement with President Truman’s policies for prosecuting the war in Korea.  When the Congressman made the letter public, Truman fired MacArthur.  Expressing concerns about policy with an American Congressman is significantly different from undermining an elected president in communications with a foreign counterpart.

What does all this mean? 

Leftists (even some right of center politicians) keep calling America a democracy, even though our Framers deliberately formed a republic as an offset to the dangers of democracy (see for example Federalist Paper 10).  Alexis de Tocqueville predicted what happens in a democracy (bold italics added for emphasis):

After having thus successfully taken each member of the community in its powerful grasp, and fashioned them at will, the supreme power then extends its arm over the whole community.  It covers the surface of society with a net-work of small complicated rules, minute and uniform, through which the most original minds and the most energetic characters cannot penetrate, to rise above the crowdThe will of man is not shattered, but softened, bent, and guided:  men are seldom forced by it to act, but they are constantly restrained from acting:  such a power does not destroy, but it prevents existence; it does not tyrannize, but it compresses, enervates, extinguishes, and stupefies a people, till each nation is reduced to be nothing better than a flock of timid and industrious animals, of which the government is the shepherd.  I have always thought that servitude of the regular, quiet, and gentle kind which I have just described, might be combined more easily than is commonly believed with some of the outward forms of freedom; and that it might even establish itself under the wing of the sovereignty of the people.  Our contemporaries are constantly excited by two conflicting passions; they want to be led, and they wish to remain free:  as they cannot destroy either one or the other of these contrary propensities, they strive to satisfy them both at once.  They devise a sole, tutelary, and all-powerful form of government, but elected by the people (Democracy in America, 1840, p. 398).

Anyone familiar with communist/fascist regimes should recognize the signs of a similar regime emerging in America.  Hannah Arendt taught us about these dynamics in her books, The Origins of Totalitarianism and The Human Condition; F.A. Hayek shared his observations and analysis in The Road to Serfdom; and C.S. Lewis in The Abolition of Man.

If we fail or refuse to recognize authoritarianism so we can stop it, we will repeat 20th Century totalitarianism, unified in collective misery in a wretched ash heap of history.


Sunday, September 12, 2021

Mass Psychosis




According to the National Institute for Mental Health:

The word psychosis is used to describe conditions that affect the mind, where there has been some loss of contact with reality. When someone becomes ill in this way it is called a psychotic episode. During a period of psychosis, a person’s thoughts and perceptions are disturbed and the individual may have difficulty understanding what is real and what is not.  Symptoms of psychosis include delusions (false beliefs) and hallucinations (seeing or hearing things that others do not see or hear). Other symptoms include incoherent or nonsense speech, and behavior that is inappropriate for the situation. A person in a psychotic episode may also experience depression, anxiety, sleep problems, social withdrawal, lack of motivation, and difficulty functioning overall.


The above description of psychosis regards an individual and his or her association with reality.  Can it be induced by external influences?  The novel by Anthony Burgess, A Clockwork Orange, presents such a case. 

Reports of mind manipulation are not fiction.  Cult leader Jim Jones had such an influence.  Over 900 lost their lives through murder or suicide due to mind control.

Controversially, following the Korean Conflict, American prisoners of war (POWs) were given an opportunity to voluntarily repatriate to America, assuming successful brainwashing had changed their allegiance to North Korea or China.  This was negotiated via a program called Operation Big Switch.  Some defected. One source documents 21 defectors.  Another source lists them by name.   Here is another source.  Building upon recently declassified documents, Monica Kim provides a compelling (if not disturbing) account in her book, The Interrogation Rooms of the Korean War:  The Untold History. 

Aside from reports about mind manipulation of American POWs during the Korean Conflict, here is a short interview with Yeonmi Park, a former North Korean who defected through China and Mongolia to America.  She captures her experience and insights in her book, In Order to Live:  A North Korean Girl’s Journey to Freedom.  Ms. Park authenticates experiencing mind control, not only in North Korea but also as a student at Columbia University.  Former American Communist, Bella Dodd, reports a similar experience at Columbia in her memoir, School of Darkness. 

In an attempt to diminish the notion of mind control (brainwashing), here is another article that unwittingly validates mind control because such activities did in fact influence the way people thought about it.

Mind Control and Mass Psychosis

          Based on the above definition, the American public is experiencing mass psychosis.  Why?  A recent Daily Wire op-ed by Brad Schaeffer, “Climate Change, Public Health, Racism: The Church of Leftism’s Diabolical Trinity,” compellingly argues how the left is exercising mind control over the American public.  Others have also been warning us for quite some time:  Aldous Huxley in his book, A Brave New World; George Orwell in his books, Nineteen Eighty-Four and Animal Farm; F. A. Hayek in his book, The Road to Serfdom; C. S. Lewis in his book, The Abolition of Man; Hannah Arendt in her book, The Origins of Totalitarianism; and more recently, by Rod Dreher in his book, Live Not by Lies:  A Manual for Christian Dissidents; and Mike Gonzalez in his books, The Plot to Change America:  How Identity Politics Is Changing the Land of the Free and BLM:  The Making of a New Marxist Revolution.
          How can mass psychosis happen?  As a trained psychologist, I strongly support the explanation provided in this well-packaged video (warning it is fast moving, so be prepared to pause periodically to absorb and process the evidence).


          For those Americans capable of thinking for oneself, the evil forces at play must be identified, called out, and diminished by advancing truth.  This is truth that emanates from the trials and wisdom of tradition.  It is discovered, not created. 

The principles and values that underwrite our God-given inalienable rights have been articulated in our Declaration of Independence.  This was not a random, capricious undertaking.  It was a deliberate process to capture and understand the wisdom of achievement, disaster, and folly in human affairs.

          Organizations exist and are forming to resist and counter the forces inducing individual (increased suicides is an unfortunate effect) and mass psychosis in America.  A newly formed organization, founded by veterans, is Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services, Inc. (  It has been called “controversial.”  Those making such claims appear to favor racism and radicalism in the Services; or, worse, they have surrendered to the powers inducing mass psychosis.

For now, most organizations are growing in terms of supporters, yet work in isolation from other like-minded organizations.  When more of these organizations form partnerships in achieving mutually agreeable goals, they will develop the necessary synergy to counter the mass psychosis and restore a healthy Republic.

As I was about to publish this article, I stumbled across a short video (published three days ago) by Catholic Bishop Robert Barron, “The Threat of Totalitarianism.”  His message captures far more eloquently the solution to the problem of mass psychosis.  You will want to watch it more than once.        

Wednesday, September 8, 2021

Slippery Nipple




A Slippery Nipple is a cocktail.  Here is one description:  The Slippery Nipple is a layered cocktail shooter most commonly composed of Baileys Irish Cream and Sambuca. When prepared properly, the ingredients remain in two distinct visible layers due to the relative densities of the ingredients.   Afterall, even diversity among forms of alcohol can appear “multicultural.” 

Here is one source for how to make a Slippery Nipple along with some variation:  Slippery Nipple Cocktail Recipe - Cocktails With Class.  A Slippery Nipple is very tasty; but I still prefer a Manhattan—a sipping drink for those who are philosophically inclined.   

Why does how to make a slippery nipple matter?  Most good bar tenders know how to make one.  Expertise matters, even in such simple areas as making a Slippery Nipple.

I suspect Alexandria Ocasio-Cortes (AOC), a bar tender after graduating from Boston University (majoring in international relations and economics), knows how to make a Slippery Nipple.  Now, she is a second term U.S. Representative, representing New York’s 14th Congressional District.

Somehow AOC has acquired expertise in “green” energy and a wide range of social issues.  She somehow has discovered the benefits of socialism.  This may have manifested before or because of campaigning for Bernie Sanders.  So, she benefits from followers who believe there is a free lunch, and they vote for her.  Most of her followers likely have no idea what happened to Venezuela—a thriving capitalist nation killed by socialism.  This is not unusual or unprecedented.  Rod Dreher captures this naivete among citizens who previously lived in totalitarian regimes in his book, Live Not by Lies:  A Manual for Christian Dissidents

AOC has had no children—from bringing them into this world and raising them.  Yet, she rails about Texas’s recent legislation on abortion.  Less than 1% of abortions stem from rape or incest (see my article about The Logic of Abortion).  About 99% of pregnancies stem from consensual sex.  Pregnancy manifests based on natural law and human choice; it is not an indiscriminate airborne disease. 

Expertise matters.  AOC:  Stick to slippery nipples.

Sunday, August 1, 2021

The Ruler’s Lieutenants



         On July 29, 2021, Paul Jay interviewed Mikey Weinstein on his program, a Canadian-based podcast, The Analysis.News.  Here is the headline: “Full Interview – Powerful Christian Nationalists in Military See Trump as Vehicle for Authoritarian Religious State – Mikey Weinstein.”  The entire interview with adjoining transcript is available here.

         Here is how Weinstein was introduced: 

Now joining us is Mikey Weinstein. He’s the founder and president of the seven-time Nobel Peace Prize-nominated Military Religious Freedom Foundation, the MRFF. Mikey was named one of the 100 most influential people in U.S. Defense by Defense News, which is a major publication read by just about everybody in the “defense industry.” Mikey represents nearly 75,000 active and retired reserve service members.  He himself is an honor graduate of the United States Air Force Academy and formerly worked in and for the West Wing as a legal counsel in the Reagan White House. 

         The introduction alone begs questions.

First, how does Jay know the MRFF was nominated seven times for the Nobel Peace Prize?  Mikey told him?  Who nominated the MRFF for the Nobel Prize?  Perhaps a Freedom of Information Act request might answer this question.

Second, named one of the most influential people in U.S. Defense by Defense News, was this a compliment?  Here are some of the individuals selected Person of the Year by Time Magazine:  Adolph Hitler, 1938; Joseph Stalin, 1939 and 1942; Nikita Khrushchev, 1957; Ayatollah Khomeini, 1979; Deng Xiaoping, 1985; Vladimir Putin, 2007; and Greta Thunberg, 2019.  Mikey is in good company.

Third, Mikey represents 75,000 active and retired reserve service members.  Really?  Of course, like the Nobel Peace Prize nominations, we must take his word for it.  Moreover, he’ll claim lawyer-client confidentiality.  Which brings us to the last achievement.

Finally, Mikey was an honor graduate of the United States Air Force Academy.  It is ironic that he achieved success in an honor code-based institution he denigrates for its alleged religious proselytizing while making dubious claims about the Nobel Peace Prize and the number of clients he represents, let alone all those he denigrates in the interview.

         If you are following my suspicion about Mikey’s intentions let alone his honesty, please watch the interview.  It begs many more questions. 

         Mikey represents the worst of what threatens America today—an anti-Judeo Christian ideology grounded in atheistic Marxism.  Sadly, the last war America won was the Second World War.  The following public domain picture from Normandy, France, which is representative of all American cemeteries in Europe and the Pacific stemming from WWII sacrifices, speaks volumes about the moral grounding of those who gave their lives to protect American style liberty and to liberate others under the oppression of ideological totalitarianism.

Who or what is Mikey’s moral inspiration?  Satan’s lieutenants (obedient to the “ruler of the world,” see John 12:  31-36) are working hard to suppress our understanding of natural law and its inspiration for the Declaration of Independence, codified in a self-governing Constitution and Bill of Rights.

If we do not recognize the danger and do what we can to stem this movement (do you recall what happened to the Tsar Nicholas II family at the hands of the Bolshevik movement?  See my article here.), we will slide into the same totalitarian fate of other nations during the Twentieth Century.  For an excellent analysis and implied prophecy, read Hannah Arendt’s The Origins of Totalitarianism.  Conditions are ripe for a repeat of history.

Newsflash:  Trump was the antithesis of this movement.  This should explain why he was so thoroughly demonized by the left and their blatant socialist impulses.   

Friday, July 30, 2021

Where Are the Four Stars?




Note:  This article was offered to The Military Times as a rebuttal to the referenced article below.  The Editor declined to print it because it did not meet their standards—that it should appeal to active duty troops, veterans, and their families. 

On July 15, The Military Times published “Top generals planned to resign en masse if Trump refused to leave office: reports” (see here).  This would have been a quasi-nonviolent coup.  The source for this article is a book, I Alone Can Fix It, written by two Washington Post reporters, Carol Leonnig and Philip Rucker.

Of course, as we know, former President Trump did not refuse to leave office.  But we now live in a world where the quasi-nonviolent narrative need only sound good -- no need for facts.  Nefariously, it also disguises an actual quasi-coup, this one that did include violence (not a single Democrat denounced the Black Lives Matter (BLM) and Antifa riots during 2020 and 2021).

What is going on in America?

Collusion with a foreign spy to manufacture a predicate (i.e., the massively false dossier) to “spy on Trump and his associates” (before and after taking office) under the authority of four FISA warrants generated no outrage among those who refused to accept the legitimate election of Donald Trump in 2016.  When the Democrat-run Mueller investigation fell short of revealing crimes, weaponizing the impeachment process became the next best option.  The first fell short of a conviction.  The second required more collusion with members of the CIA and the NSC to build another predicate for a second impeachment.  Again, no conviction.

Sadly, exonerating evidence was available to the FBI when it subpoenaed Hunter Biden’s laptop and hard drive on December 9, 2019.  But the FBI covered it up.

Then came along the George Floyd incident.  While certainly abhorrent, this drug-abusing miscreant was not an altar boy, but this did not matter to a leftist cabal that lionized/martyred him to generate the nationwide mob behavior with BLM and Antifa’s colluding planners and more miscreants.  But I digress. 

Back to the Hunter Biden hard drive.  After months of trying, I was finally successful, with the help of a retired Air Force three-star general, just before the election, in getting a couple of influential players to get The New York Post to break the story.  The story was supported by contents on the hard drive. It was immediately censored by Twitter and other news sources.  Social media giants admitted the FBI alerted them to “troves of misinformation” during their Congressional testimony in late October. 

Censorship is still happening, even from the Biden White House, according to registered Democrat Jonathan Turley (see “Fear Free Speech: Biden Denounces Big Tech as ‘Killing People’ By Not Censoring Speech,” available here): The White House recently admitted that it was flagging ‘misinformation’ for censorship by companies like Facebook. Moreover, White House press secretary Jen Psaki has called for people to be banned from all social media if any one company bans them.

While the above is reprehensible to those who believe in America (as justified in our Declaration of Independence and codified in our Constitution and Bill of Rights), where are the four stars?  Does the oath to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic” expire upon retirement? 

Certainly, retired four-star flag officers who have hitched their horses in support of H.R. 1, “For the People Act” (via Count Every Hero, a subset of the progressive grassroots organization called Represent US), and its inevitable transformation to a single political party government, are using the prestige of their rank to sway the debate.  Amazingly, their efforts converge with those of another faction in this effort, the Communist Party USA (CPUSA), already doing a lot of the heavy lifting for the Democrat Party.  CPUSA’s leader John Bachtell takes credit for the 2018 election results (see his report here).  They were just warming up for the 2020 election.

To the contrary, a group of over 120 flag officers (only one four-star, Admiral Jerome Johnson), known as Flag Officers 4 America also has spoken out.  Here is their message:

Under a Democrat Congress and the current Administration, our country has taken a hard left turn toward socialism and a Marxist form of tyrannical government which must be countered now by electing congressional and presidential candidates who will always act to defend our Constitutional Republic.  The survival of our nation and its cherished freedoms, liberty and historic values are at stake.

Hard Left Turn

This left turn includes an open southern border in violation of the Constitution’s Article IV provision (see Patrick Buchanan’s analysis here): "The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion."  Adding to this complicity is the nefarious report of C-17s and commercial carriers transporting, under the cover of darkness and secrecy, illegals into various regions of our nation (see here and here).

More egregiously, the left turn includes ideological indoctrination—neo-Marxism in the form of Critical Race Theory.  It is taking place across our institutions, to include, for example, the Naval Academy (see here) and the Air Force Academy (see here). 

Yet, to speak out against it results in reprisal as in the case of Air Force Space Command’s Lieutenant Colonel Matthew Lohmeier, who was relieved of command for cause because he sounded an alarm with his self-published book, Irresistible Revolution:  Marxism’s Goal of Conquest & the Unmaking of the American Military.  Of course, he published his analysis AFTER first reporting his concerns through his chain of command and the Inspector General.  This act took courage.  Moreover, it represents what is meant by “support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic.”  

There can be only three reasons for America’s four stars not to be speaking out:  fear, cooptation, or apathy.  None are acceptable.  Their children, grandchildren, other family members, and friends should know the role they are playing in the demise of America whether stemming from fear, being coopted, or being apathetic. 

Fortunately, some veterans (to include multiple three-stars) are fighting back.  Three such groups are Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services, Inc. (STARRS, Inc. – Stand Together Against Racism and Radicalism in the Services), The Calvert Group (Don’t Give Up The Ship – The Calvert Group []), and Take Charge (Home - TakeCharge MN - Take charge of your life, family, and community).

In the movie, Judgment at Nuremberg, Marlene Dietrich, the widow of a four-star general, bemoaned to Spencer Tracey, the chief tribunal judge, that the people did not know about the Third Reich atrocities.  She was bitter because her husband was executed without the honor she believed he deserved given his rank.  Tracey’s body language spoke volumes—he knew the general, like other German citizens, hid in the shadows, afraid to push back on ideological tyranny.

Where are America’s four stars?  History appears positioned to repeat itself.  

Saturday, June 5, 2021

Joe “McCarthy” Biden




After he was awakened to the terrible virus called communism, Joe McCarthy, has been reincarnated as his evil “mirror image” twin.  The original version “Evil Joe 1.0” was a master media manipulator and destroyer of people and lives in the name of rooting out communism. He was at the end of the day, a monster created by the times. The 50s decade was a dark time in our history, not because there was not a communist threat, but because a politician perverted his power to find a communist wherever he looked. Businesses, Hollywood, and the Media were complicit in destroying people without reason or cause because Joe told them to do it.


It’s clear that communism, since its introduction by Karl Marx, has destroyed more lives, diminished more lives and oppressed more people than any other ideology, religion or movement in the history of the world.  How many were killed for the communist cause in Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, and others?  Some historians say it’s hundreds of millions of people. We have continually heard for more than 100 years that Marx’s promised communist utopia will occur next time or the next time or....


Conversely, capitalism has enriched more lives, lifted more people and provided greater hope than any other economic approach. The standard of living within the masses has grown during the entire existence of the United States of America. If you want proof, look at history as depicted by Hans Rosling in his book, Factfulness.  He clearly describes the wonderful economic progress of his own family in Sweden over the past century.  Any person that has paid any attention to history over about the past 250 years knows that America became the arsenal of freedom for the world and the beacon of hope for oppressed or enslaved people anywhere on planet Earth. 


In fact, the coveted view of capitalism is clearly evident in the newly anointed Democratic Oligarchy of Joe Biden. His is the party of love that cherishes immigrants over existing, legal citizens. His slogan “Everyone but Americans First” has become the mantra of his Party and Comrades. The Biden/Harris Administration has embraced the lives of so many illegal aliens that instead of calling the frontier to the south, the U.S. border, we should rename it the “Starting Line to the American Dream.”  The Welcome signs at the border say, “Greetings from your new Leader, Joe Biden, to any and all future Democrat voters regardless of race, gender, age, ideology or country of origin to the most racist, misogynistic, homophobic and selfish country in the world.  We will forever be your Big Brother!"


So more than 60 years after McCarthy, it’s as if we’ve arrived in an alternate world that’s been turned upside down.  Enter “Evil Joe 2.0” and after 120 days of his reign, it’s clear that we are in an even more sinister time of misguided politics.  Party Leader McCarthy Biden can find a racist anywhere he sees a white person or a police officer.  Once again, Businesses, Hollywood and the Media have put on the mantle of complicit evildoers in responding to their idol, Evil Joe 2.0.  Additionally, Evil Joe 2.0 knows there are others putting our newly minted Communist Republic at risk. Joe is finding “thought criminals” in the military, Republican Party and every Trump voter. This “Resistance” must be crushed by silencing, cancel culture, Social Justice Warriors and Antifa.  This putsch has been ongoing for years but has accelerated over the past 12 months.  Re-education of salvageable miscreants must be achieved through Critical Race Theory indoctrination. Business, military and government leaders are mandating re-education under the umbrella of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training. While this brainwashing has been successfully proliferated across college campuses for more than 60 years, the new frontier of elementary education is training new converts and Woke adherents in how implementing Racism will solve “systemic racism.”  Embracing “New Think” can eradicate what people already know to be true and help hasten them into Marxist nirvana. 


Joe Biden’s ultimate goal is to “Reimagine” the Constitution into the Communist Manifesto. Only time will tell whether we can turn the U.S.A. into the promised “Marxist Utopia”. 


“From each according to his each according to his need.”


Remember to vote in 2022 & 2024 for those candidates that believe in American greatness.

Saturday, April 3, 2021

The Ruler of the World




On April 1, 2021, commonly known as Fool’s Day in America, I learned that the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRRF), led by Air Force Academy graduate Mikey Weinstein, threatened a lawsuit against the city of Monument, Colorado.  The offense?  A teenage Boy Scout erected a monument at the local cemetery in honor of his father and grandfather for their service to our Nation.  The teen obviously loved his family members who loved their country enough to die for it.  What are the implications here?

America has not won any war or conflict since World War II.  A cease fire remains in effect following the Korean conflict.  America sacrificed thousands of lives and trillions of dollars from our national treasury ever since. 

WWII was a contest against totalitarianism, not tyranny.  Scattered across the European landscape are cemeteries adorned by Christian crosses and Jewish Stars of David.  The public domain photograph below is from an American cemetery in Luxembourg. 

The moral inspiration for America’s triumph over totalitarianism came from a Judeo-Christian tradition.  Gallup has annually surveyed Americans regarding their religiosity.  In 1948, 91% had Christian affiliations and 4% claimed a Jewish affiliation.  In 2020, those numbers had dropped to 68% and 2%, respectively (Catholics ranged from 21 to 29%, a more stable pattern, which may explain why they tend to be targeted by the left’s secular humanists).     

Totalitarianism did not exist before the Twentieth Century.  Before that era, oppressive regimes were considered tyrannical.  Totalitarianism is a more brutal form of tyranny, fueled by technology (perhaps now we can understand the existential role played by tech giants in our current situation) as explained by Dr. Larry Arnn, President of Hillsdale College, in a December 2020 speech.

Here we are in the year 2021 and the new Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) recently directed a screening of the ranks to root out extremism.  The Air Force Academy performed theirs this week. 

What is extremism?  Quite frankly, it appears to represent any thought contrary to the left’s ideology in its quest for total (totalitarian) political power.  Here is an excerpt from a Washington Times article: 

“I still find [the Defense Department’s] definition of extremism in its underlying instruction ambiguous enough to remain concerned that, for example, Catholics and other pro-life advocates who equate abortion, as Pope Francis does, to the ‘murder of children’ could be branded as ‘extremists’ even if they are adamantly opposed to violence or other illegal activities,” said retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Charles J. Dunlap Jr., now the executive director of the Center on Law, Ethics and National Security at Duke University.     

Also ironic is that the MRRF and SECDEF actions took place during Christian Holy Week.

So, what is at play here?  Why, as a Christian, am I so troubled?  Who is in command of America and the world?  Leftist political elite?  No, they are mere instruments.  The answer to the question as to who is in command is the ruler of the world (John 14:30 ; John 12:31-33; John 8:44-47; John 16:11; Ephesians 2:1-3; Ephesians 6:12-13; 1 Peter 5:8-10; Revelation 12:12; Matthew 4:8-9; Luke 4:5-6; Hebrews 2:14; James 4:4; James 4:7; 1 John 2:17; 1 John 5:18-19).

Tomorrow, Easter Sunday, is such a special day.  It reminds us of something incredibly far more powerful than the mortal, fleeting attractions of this world.  The Son of God died for our sins, offering forgiveness to any one of us who repents; and now that He has risen, welcomes us to an eternal kingdom.

Saturday, March 13, 2021

Dictators’ First Steps



A Follower of Thucydides:

One who hopes to not only adhere to Thucydides’ standards of history using evidence gathering and analysis of cause and effect without interference by the gods (or media) but to also use that history to educate people when the gods (or media) cloud their vision of the truth

Read and Study History!!!!!!!

     Look up the first things every dictator from Lenin to Maduro did upon gaining office.  They changed voting procedures to ensure they would stay in power and they called out the military to protect their stay in power which is tenuous as they start their “reforms.”  As time wears on, the military is corrupted by new “training” that is a thinly disguised indoctrination to weed out non-supporters of the revolution.  This “new and improved” military supports the Administration and its stranglehold on what was a Constitutional Republic against their fellow citizens who remember what it was like as a Republic.  At this time, there is little chance of a peaceful vote due to the early changes to voting procedures and may result in an open rebellion. 

     If you have any doubt about my statements above just read the historical timelines of Communist USSR, Cuba, China, Venezuela, or Fascist Italy and Germany before the true stories are erased by this Administration.  For your convenience, here is an article about Venezuela.  If one cannot see or refuse to consider the parallels, he or she is either a committed Communist or Fascist; a person who hated the media’s distorted version of President Trump so much he or she was willing to go into Venezuelan Hell to get rid of him; or a partisan ideologue, which now is equivalent to number one in this list and its “oppressor versus oppressed” ideology.

     In 1936, Harvard Professor George Santayana forewarned: "Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it" (Reason in Common Sense, p. 284).  

     Are Americans doomed to repeat Communist and Fascist atrocities--already manifesting in terms of media censorship, social media deplatforming, and "cancel culture"?  Where is the left in denouncing any of these developments?  The absence of any pushback speaks volumes about intentions and motivations.