Tuesday, April 16, 2019

America's Borg



“You will be assimilated; resistance is futile.”  This was a declaration heard by the crew of Star Trek’s Enterprise.  The declaration also revealed “the Borg” would absorb “biological” distinctiveness into the collective.  Once assimilated race and gender become irrelevant.
We all know Star Trek was a highly successful science fiction series.  Yet, how “fictional” is it?

Sexual orientation conversion therapy has been outlawed in numerous states, to include most recently, Colorado, where a homosexual governor signed the ban into law.  Parents now would be breaking the law by seeking therapy for a child that thinks he or she is anything but heterosexual.  The Colorado political elite has declared to parents: “You will be assimilated; resistance is futile.”  To amplify the effect, a Democrat-controlled legislature also advanced an educational bill to indoctrinate children in different sexual orientations and to begin as early as possible by funding full-day kindergarten.  Both are now signed into law by the Colorado governor.

With the left’s penchant for declaring contrary views as “extreme,” the Colorado Democrat-controlled legislature advanced a “red flag” bill that the governor signed into law.  The Second Amendment is very clear in establishing the inalienable right to bear arms.  Unfortunately, this right is an “extreme” view because it is contrary to those who believe in gun control.  Without due-process, individuals can now have their legally owned arms confiscated because someone accuses them of not being safe to possess them.  The burden of proof, along with the cost of legal representation, rests on the person who has been alleged to be unsafe.  Not only is the “red flag” law a violation of the Second Amendment, it further confirms the power of Colorado’s Borg.

Recently, South Bend (home of the University of Notre Dame), Indiana Mayor Pete Buttigieg, a fresh Democratic presidential candidate, attacked Vice President Mick Pence for his Christian views.  Although Pence never publicly said anything derogatory about Buttigieg or his lifestyle, the latter declared that if Pence had any issues about his homosexual lifestyle, he needed to take it up with his Creator.  In other words, God made him gay.

            Really?  What makes Buttigieg believe a homosexual orientation is an exception to other behaviors such as pedophilia, rape, adultery, masturbation, watching pornography, murder, robbery, and so forth?  Could not a thief argue that he was born to be a thief?  Buttigieg was a proselytizing pontificator when he demeaned Pence.  To be clear, in order for Buttigieg to consummate his relatively recent “marriage,” he and his male partner likely engage in sodomy with absolutely no possibility to procreate.  His Creator must be so pleased.

            My guess is that Buttigieg could care less.  He is counting on America’s Borg-assimilated drones to defend his sexual orientation by rallying in support of his candidacy.  The pool of potential drones is growing with many of our youth now “confused” about their gender.  The left encourages it because it makes them more vulnerable and malleable.

            Aside from the symbolism of the Cathedral of Notre Dame as a manifestation of Western civilization and its Judeo-Christian foundation, there is great irony in the unfortunate fact that it was consumed by fire yesterday.  Till yesterday, Notre Dame symbolically resisted the insidious and ubiquitous ambitions of the French Enlightenment and endured for centuries despite the atrocities of the French Revolution and the ravages of two World Wars.
With the tragedy and its implications of yesterday’s burning, it is further ironic to witness a Harvard- and Oxford-educated intellectual at the tender age of 37 beat his chest[1] as being morally superior because even though he claims to be Christian, he is truly a progressive secular humanist that is focused on “perfecting” humankind in his own image (even though God created us all in His image).  Because they believe “reason” and “science” are superior to “faith,” they can manufacture canards such as man-made climate change to rally their Borg-assimilated drones to achieve political power.  I love asking secular humanists to prove time, since it is so fundamental to our understanding of natural science.  Even when they understand they cannot prove an a priori truth, they still cannot admit to having “faith” in its a priori nature.
The author of Ecclesiastes was not Harvard- nor Oxford-educated.  Yet, he understood that inflated pride in oneself is not a generational infliction: “Vanities of vanities!  All things are vanity.  What profit has man from all the labor which he toils at under the sun?  One generation passes and another comes, but the world stays forever” (1:  2-4).

I watched Clint Eastwood’s movie, The Mule, last week.  He played the lead, 80+-year old character (Earl Stone) who served as a mule for a drug cartel.  He was eventually caught and tried in court, which was the most important scene in the movie.  Despite the good intentions of his lawyer to have him absolved of any crime, Earl interrupted the proceedings to plead guilty.  At his age, accountability and redemption were more important than vanity.
In her book, The Return of the Primitive: The Anti-Industrial Revolution, Ayn Rand made this observation:
The uncontested absurdities of today are the accepted slogans of tomorrow. They come to be accepted by degrees, by dint of constant pressure on one side and constant retreat on the other - until one day when they are suddenly declared to be the country's official ideology (1999, Penguin, p. 8).

            The left is relentless with slogans about those with contrary views.  For now, there remains a substantial population of Americans who believe in liberty, the rule of law, and justice.  Because they hold firm to Judeo-Christian values, they will be called homophobes and Islamophobes, for they resist the absurdity of views contrary to natural law and two to four millennia of tradition.  They will be called racists and xenophobes because they believe in legal immigration.  They will be called misogynists because they believe in the sacredness of human life and motherhood.
For now, America’s Borg has a healthy and active opposition.  This opposition will resist; it will not be assimilated into America’s secular humanist Borg.  Ideally, the opposition will provide an alternative to the vulnerable and malleable members of our society.

[1] Note:  C.S. Lewis might argue that Buttigieg has no chest, as discussed in his chapter, “Men without Chests,” in The Abolition of Man.


  1. Great Post, enjoyed reading it. I think the key, is don't just ignore - be vocal. Hit back, and hit back hard.

  2. I believe the banning of conversion therapy is a violation of the 1st amendment...these parents make a covenant with God at baptism to raise their children under the guidelines of their faith...and if that is the belief that homosexuality and gender dysphoria are disordered...then they should be allowed to help their children to better understand their natural role in society through loving and caring treatment...and as far as Pete Buttigieg...I heard him called a devout Episcopalian the other morning on the news...they also call Cuomo and Nancy Pelosi devout Catholics who believe in abortion and homosexuality...unfortunately they will all have to deal with their sins upon death...it is one to be a homosexual and be loved and cared for...it is another to practice the lifestyle...what is the saying...if you tell the lie enough...everyone will believe it...unfortunately Christians need to stop turning the other cheek and make a stance...or a few more generations won't have the option to have God in their lives...

  3. You always have exceptionally well-written posts. This may be your best! It is brutally honest and doesn't pull any punches. You said: "To be clear, in order for Buttigieg to consummate his relatively recent “marriage,” he and his male partner likely engage in sodomy with absolutely no possibility to procreate. His Creator must be so pleased." People who opine the beauty and natural condition of same-sex marriages, because it is a loving bond between two people, never ever discuss the actual details of that lovely "consummation". The Borg is indeed very active!

  4. You always have exceptionally well-written posts. This may be your best! It is brutally honest and doesn't pull any punches. You said: "To be clear, in order for Buttigieg to consummate his relatively recent “marriage,” he and his male partner likely engage in sodomy with absolutely no possibility to procreate. His Creator must be so pleased." People who opine the beauty and natural condition of same-sex marriages, because it is a loving bond between two people, never ever discuss the actual details of that lovely "consummation". The Borg is indeed very active!

  5. "Resistance is futile." Our free speech and religious freedom are in great peril. Google, MS, Twitter, Facebook, and even Amazon are censuring conservative and Christian views as "hate speech." In fact, I posted a similar statement to Ron's article earlier today, and it was blocked somehow. Chase Bank is now making lending decisions based on political views, and are beginning to refuse loans to conservatives. Our State Department and IC organizations, and most of the Federal and State bureaucracies, are loaded with liberals, who frustrate laws they don't like. Google is reading my email as I write it, so I'll probably pay a price for this "heresy" at some point. The main stream media is complicit in the suppression and distortion of truth, and persecution of Christians. I'm beginning to depress myself, so time for a shot of Jack. :-) All of you have a Happy and Blessed Easter with your families.
