Wednesday, March 16, 2016

The Puppet Master

Old Gadfly:  Is there a puppet master at play in the current presidential campaign?

IM:  By your question, are you implying there is a puppet master?

Old Gadfly:  What do you think?  Look at the dynamics.  The media gives Trump more than three times the coverage than all other Republican candidates combined.  At recent events, organized instigators, in particular, and Black Lives Matter, agitated crowds to promote photo and video optics to generate news cycles, with the implication that Trump is the source of the agitation.

AM:  Trump certainly tapped into anger and frustration that were present well before he began his campaign.  So, in essence, while his language may come across as bombastic and uncivil, he indicates that he clearly “feels your pain” (something Bill Clinton seemed to get during his time).  Yet, where are our brilliant journalists in trying to figure out where that pain came from?  Quite frankly, people are tired of being marginalized and disenfranchised by an administration that blatantly picks winners and losers, and coerces behaviors (e.g., IRS healthcare insurance penalties), contrary to our constitution and legal regime.

Old Gadfly: All great points, AM.  However, in regards to the current presidential campaign drama, do you see a puppet master at play?

IM: was funded by George Soros.  He also resourced Black Lives Matter (to the tune of about $33 million) and supported the Occupy Wall Street movement.

Old Gadfly:  Now you see how the Trump Chicago rally was deliberately manipulated for news cycle purposes.  How about direct campaign funding?

AM:  Now I get it.  So far the top donor to the Democrat Hillary Clinton campaign is over $7 million from the Soros Fund Management.  And the Republican John Kasich campaign has received $200,000 from the same source.  This was enough to win his state of Ohio and now Kasich will play his part in forcing a likely brokered convention in July, potentially destroying the Republican Party.  Progressives have long sought a single political party, like their progressive icons--communists and fascists.  This is a step in that direction.

Old Gadfly:  So now you see who the puppets are:  Clinton, Kasich, and the media.  The drama seems to be playing out exactly the way the puppet master envisioned.  These are consistent performances from the mastermind who earned his capitalistic multi-billion fortune manipulating national currencies and then spending it on manipulating societies in ways that suits his personal “anti-capitalist” ideology of a utopian-open society.

IM:  How about the general public?  Are they not puppets as well?

Old Gadfly:  Not really.  Like an audience of a puppet show, they only get to evaluate the script.  That script has been written, and the puppets have been selected, by Soros.  The media merely transmits the play.