Thursday, April 18, 2019

Are You Stupid or Smart?



            This essay was prompted by watching ABC News this evening, which clearly advanced a political perspective against President Trump.  As a retired American, I have the luxury of spending more time watching news presentations real time and to sample a range of news sources.  Thus, the ABC presentation was not only offensive, it was morally repulsive from a reasoned perspective.

The long-awaited Mueller report was released today.  If you believe it impugned President Trump, and you do not watch Fox News (likely because other news sources and friends admonish you not to) but get your news from other sources, then you may be stupid.  Sorry.  You might even be a friend of mine.  If so, here’s a news flash:  the truth may be painful, but it will set you free (assuming you are not mortally chained to your illusions, reinforced by propaganda outlets).

            How stupid can people be?  Let me give some examples (you won’t hear this from CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, NBC, The New York Times, The Washington Post—how do I know?  I looked for evidence and found none.):

·         The Trump Administration never fired Mueller. This would have been possible evidence of obstruction. 
·         Although Trump publicly expressed his frustration about the special prosecution (e.g., witch hunt), he was concerned about the injustice of the deep state and its attempt to undermine his legal presidency.  How would you, my friend, react to someone claiming you were a child molester when you are not?  Would you not protest?   Or would you wait until the witch hunt was over and you were spending time in prison because no one offered a case in your defense?
·         The Trump Administration provided 1.4 million pages of documents (transcriptions of ALL meetings held in the White House).
·         The Trump Administration never declared executive privilege, even knowing he made comments such as, “This is the end of my presidency," upon hearing that special counsel had been appointed despite no crime having been established.
·         The Trump Administration encouraged EVERY individual within the White House to be interviewed (under oath) by the Mueller team.

This entire nightmare began with an FBI counter-intelligence investigation (Who directed it?  Some suggest the direction came from the White House).  The “predicate” was a Russian dossier--since then discredited and characterized as a gross disinformation campaign purchased by a political opponent; and former FBI Director, National Intelligence Director Clapper, and Director of the CIA Brennan were the primary co-conspirators.  What is ironic is that National Security Advisor Susan Rice seemed compelled to memorialize a meeting in which President Obama encouraged the intelligence and law enforcement agencies to address the Trump campaign and its possible Russia collusion “by the book.”

So, there were two elements to the Mueller prosecution:  collusion with Russia and obstruction of justice in relation to collusion with Russia.  Mueller clearly and unequivocally determined there was no evidence of collusion with Russia.  Given this as a fact, then how is it possible to obstruct justice—that is, obstructing an investigation into a crime that never happened?  It doesn’t matter to Democrats.  It doesn’t matter that there was no collusion.  They are now going to seek an impeachment by claiming Trump tried to impede the investigation into a witch hunt, predicated by a manufactured crime (manufactured by Hillary and the DNC via the Russian dossier).

The Mueller expedition was merely a distraction from the real crime taking place in Washington.  The left wants to keep that distraction going.  Mueller did the best he could to advance the leftist cause.  His treatment of obstruction was clearly designed to give the rabid Democrats on the House Judiciary and other committees fodder to advance impeachment.  No doubt, the Democrat-controlled House will pursue this track.  And even though a Republican-controlled Senate will not legitimize the impeachment proceeding with a conviction, the damage will be done going into the 2020 elections.  By extending the Mueller prosecution beyond the 2016 midterm elections, the Democrats demonstrate there are enough stupid Americans to justify their strategy.

Don’t be fooled.  There is a fundamental distinction between legal crimes and political power.  President Trump did nothing illegal.  But his established agenda is to promote a Constitutional Republic and the rule of law—respecting the rights of Americans to make their own choices.  This is an egregious violation of the left’s progressive (socialist, communist, fascist) campaign for America.  Social justice can only be advanced by a political elite.  Equality (as defined by the political elite) is far more important than individual liberty.  Individuals, as the title for this article implies, are far too stupid to make their own choices.  Unfortunately, this may be true given that individuals have been guided as to news sources upon which they should rely.

Justice demands truth.  If one side of a contest for power is only focused on power, then the end justifies the means, regardless of the truth.  Social justice is the means to an outcome, and it can only justify a ruling elite regulating the ruled. The only real outcome in this situation is tyranny.  If the other side, on the other hand, is focused on the power of truth, then the means justify the end.  Justice, then, is THE outcome and is absolutely critical to a free society.

There is a political faction in America that completely disregards the legal election of a President.  This faction is hell-bent on usurping the power of this legitimately elected individual.
          NEWS FLASH and a cold bucket of water:  If you are stupid, you’ll imitate what you hear or read (CNN and MSNBC provide great soundbites).  This is consistent with F. A. Hayek's observation that the modern mind is a product of cultural evolution and more closely reflects imitation than reason.  If, on the other hand you are smart, you will triangulate news sources and reasonably challenge any faction's campaign to usurp a legally elected President so that you do not become one of “the ruled.” 


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I received a gracious note from a mentor this morning suggesting the use of "stupid" may have been too harsh. For the most part I agree. In retrospect, I should have qualified the audience to which it was directed: journalists and politicians. While there certainly a many good-hearted Americans who trust these groups, it would be irresponsible for me to let them off the hook too easily.

  3. If the FCC had some backbone, they would strip broadcasting licences from complicit willing accomplices of lies, slander, propaganda, and criminal activity associated with national security leaks! Fake News is Fake News - Period! Be smart, selective, and on the look out for any Media claiming to be News worthy that only has negative things to say and never objectively looks for positive things about any Political Party. I hope to see some of the Fake News tied to some of the upcoming Indictments. Great Article Gadfly, keep them coming.
