Saturday, June 5, 2021

Joe “McCarthy” Biden




After he was awakened to the terrible virus called communism, Joe McCarthy, has been reincarnated as his evil “mirror image” twin.  The original version “Evil Joe 1.0” was a master media manipulator and destroyer of people and lives in the name of rooting out communism. He was at the end of the day, a monster created by the times. The 50s decade was a dark time in our history, not because there was not a communist threat, but because a politician perverted his power to find a communist wherever he looked. Businesses, Hollywood, and the Media were complicit in destroying people without reason or cause because Joe told them to do it.


It’s clear that communism, since its introduction by Karl Marx, has destroyed more lives, diminished more lives and oppressed more people than any other ideology, religion or movement in the history of the world.  How many were killed for the communist cause in Russia, China, Cuba, Venezuela, and others?  Some historians say it’s hundreds of millions of people. We have continually heard for more than 100 years that Marx’s promised communist utopia will occur next time or the next time or....


Conversely, capitalism has enriched more lives, lifted more people and provided greater hope than any other economic approach. The standard of living within the masses has grown during the entire existence of the United States of America. If you want proof, look at history as depicted by Hans Rosling in his book, Factfulness.  He clearly describes the wonderful economic progress of his own family in Sweden over the past century.  Any person that has paid any attention to history over about the past 250 years knows that America became the arsenal of freedom for the world and the beacon of hope for oppressed or enslaved people anywhere on planet Earth. 


In fact, the coveted view of capitalism is clearly evident in the newly anointed Democratic Oligarchy of Joe Biden. His is the party of love that cherishes immigrants over existing, legal citizens. His slogan “Everyone but Americans First” has become the mantra of his Party and Comrades. The Biden/Harris Administration has embraced the lives of so many illegal aliens that instead of calling the frontier to the south, the U.S. border, we should rename it the “Starting Line to the American Dream.”  The Welcome signs at the border say, “Greetings from your new Leader, Joe Biden, to any and all future Democrat voters regardless of race, gender, age, ideology or country of origin to the most racist, misogynistic, homophobic and selfish country in the world.  We will forever be your Big Brother!"


So more than 60 years after McCarthy, it’s as if we’ve arrived in an alternate world that’s been turned upside down.  Enter “Evil Joe 2.0” and after 120 days of his reign, it’s clear that we are in an even more sinister time of misguided politics.  Party Leader McCarthy Biden can find a racist anywhere he sees a white person or a police officer.  Once again, Businesses, Hollywood and the Media have put on the mantle of complicit evildoers in responding to their idol, Evil Joe 2.0.  Additionally, Evil Joe 2.0 knows there are others putting our newly minted Communist Republic at risk. Joe is finding “thought criminals” in the military, Republican Party and every Trump voter. This “Resistance” must be crushed by silencing, cancel culture, Social Justice Warriors and Antifa.  This putsch has been ongoing for years but has accelerated over the past 12 months.  Re-education of salvageable miscreants must be achieved through Critical Race Theory indoctrination. Business, military and government leaders are mandating re-education under the umbrella of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion training. While this brainwashing has been successfully proliferated across college campuses for more than 60 years, the new frontier of elementary education is training new converts and Woke adherents in how implementing Racism will solve “systemic racism.”  Embracing “New Think” can eradicate what people already know to be true and help hasten them into Marxist nirvana. 


Joe Biden’s ultimate goal is to “Reimagine” the Constitution into the Communist Manifesto. Only time will tell whether we can turn the U.S.A. into the promised “Marxist Utopia”. 


“From each according to his each according to his need.”


Remember to vote in 2022 & 2024 for those candidates that believe in American greatness.

1 comment:

  1. I fear for my grandchildren and all the young in this country. We are seeing the results of teachers who are a product of the corrupt Colleges and Universities who have hired far left professors and have indoctrinated the teachers who are passing on the corrupt ideology to younger children. Now we are dealing with BLM and a very corrupt political administration. We need strong Christian leaders and our churches stand up and counter this movement.
