Saturday, April 3, 2021

The Ruler of the World




On April 1, 2021, commonly known as Fool’s Day in America, I learned that the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRRF), led by Air Force Academy graduate Mikey Weinstein, threatened a lawsuit against the city of Monument, Colorado.  The offense?  A teenage Boy Scout erected a monument at the local cemetery in honor of his father and grandfather for their service to our Nation.  The teen obviously loved his family members who loved their country enough to die for it.  What are the implications here?

America has not won any war or conflict since World War II.  A cease fire remains in effect following the Korean conflict.  America sacrificed thousands of lives and trillions of dollars from our national treasury ever since. 

WWII was a contest against totalitarianism, not tyranny.  Scattered across the European landscape are cemeteries adorned by Christian crosses and Jewish Stars of David.  The public domain photograph below is from an American cemetery in Luxembourg. 

The moral inspiration for America’s triumph over totalitarianism came from a Judeo-Christian tradition.  Gallup has annually surveyed Americans regarding their religiosity.  In 1948, 91% had Christian affiliations and 4% claimed a Jewish affiliation.  In 2020, those numbers had dropped to 68% and 2%, respectively (Catholics ranged from 21 to 29%, a more stable pattern, which may explain why they tend to be targeted by the left’s secular humanists).     

Totalitarianism did not exist before the Twentieth Century.  Before that era, oppressive regimes were considered tyrannical.  Totalitarianism is a more brutal form of tyranny, fueled by technology (perhaps now we can understand the existential role played by tech giants in our current situation) as explained by Dr. Larry Arnn, President of Hillsdale College, in a December 2020 speech.

Here we are in the year 2021 and the new Secretary of Defense (SECDEF) recently directed a screening of the ranks to root out extremism.  The Air Force Academy performed theirs this week. 

What is extremism?  Quite frankly, it appears to represent any thought contrary to the left’s ideology in its quest for total (totalitarian) political power.  Here is an excerpt from a Washington Times article: 

“I still find [the Defense Department’s] definition of extremism in its underlying instruction ambiguous enough to remain concerned that, for example, Catholics and other pro-life advocates who equate abortion, as Pope Francis does, to the ‘murder of children’ could be branded as ‘extremists’ even if they are adamantly opposed to violence or other illegal activities,” said retired Air Force Maj. Gen. Charles J. Dunlap Jr., now the executive director of the Center on Law, Ethics and National Security at Duke University.     

Also ironic is that the MRRF and SECDEF actions took place during Christian Holy Week.

So, what is at play here?  Why, as a Christian, am I so troubled?  Who is in command of America and the world?  Leftist political elite?  No, they are mere instruments.  The answer to the question as to who is in command is the ruler of the world (John 14:30 ; John 12:31-33; John 8:44-47; John 16:11; Ephesians 2:1-3; Ephesians 6:12-13; 1 Peter 5:8-10; Revelation 12:12; Matthew 4:8-9; Luke 4:5-6; Hebrews 2:14; James 4:4; James 4:7; 1 John 2:17; 1 John 5:18-19).

Tomorrow, Easter Sunday, is such a special day.  It reminds us of something incredibly far more powerful than the mortal, fleeting attractions of this world.  The Son of God died for our sins, offering forgiveness to any one of us who repents; and now that He has risen, welcomes us to an eternal kingdom.


  1. Amen, Gadfly. Well said. The powers of this earth will perish. The kingdom of God is already among us, will be fulfilled in glory and never pass away.

  2. Amen, Gadfly. Well said. The powers of this earth will perish. The kingdom of God is already among us, will be fulfilled in glory and never pass away.
