Friday, June 19, 2020




           Democrats are leading the campaign to purify America of its sin of slavery.  They support the removal of confederate statues and renaming military bases currently bearing names of confederate military leaders.  Speaker of the House Pelosi has even removed three portraits of former Speakers of the House who were members of Confederate States.

           As part of the Democrat campaign, is it not ironic that in one of their publicity stunts, Pelosi and fellow Democrats took a knee in the Nation’s Capitol while wearing the Ghana Kente cloth?  Affluent Ghanaians were influential in selling their fellow countrymen in the European slave trade.  Was it not hypocritical for Democrats to be associated with a symbol of a people that advanced and profited from slavery?  As an example of the leftist cabal on advancing the progressive Democrat narrative, see this twisted and convoluted explanation by PolitiFact who has partnered with Facebook to filter (censor) information that is contrary to their ideology.

Where will the campaign end?  If allowed to run its full course, it will require eradicating our current political system of the Democrat Party and any visible historical symbols of the Democrat Party throughout America’s history—to include the portrait of Nancy Pelosi.
           Does this assertion sound bizarre?

           Think about it.  As an institution, slavery required political justification.  This involved not only Democrats from Confederate States but support from Democrats in Northern States as well.  The institution of slavery was the reason the Republican Party was formed.  Lincoln and fellow Republicans abhorred slavery so much, they were willing to sacrifice well over 600,000 Americans at the altar of accountability and justice.

           Despite the sacrifice of nearly 10% of America’s population at the time and the legal termination of the institution of slavery, Democrats resisted post-Civil War efforts to fully integrate former slaves and all blacks into America’s Republic.  The KKK and Jim Crow laws were Democrat creations.  Today’s Democrat-backed KKK is Antifa and other well-funded organizations set on instituting a new form of political slavery—complete acquiescence to the progressive Democrat Party.

           The long, overdue “conversation on racism,” if engaged by reasoned minds, will shine a light on the modern slavery that currently exists in America (the welfare state and the inner-city plantations).  Starting with education, Democrats have controlled the education of Americans that has been very successful in indoctrinating at least two generations of progressives (Marxist socialists in disguise), who see the world through a normative lens.
What does a “normative lens” mean?  Progressives see the world the way it ought to be and set out to make it so: safe from climate change and the immoral beliefs of anyone who is not a progressive Democrat through militant social justice warriors.  As America’s intelligentsia, they have a moral obligation to create other ordinary Americans in their image.

           Does this claim also sound bizarre?

           Perhaps, arguably, as the central organizing personality in this progressive movement, former President Obama (who miraculously survived “systemic racism”[1] to serve two full terms as President of the United States of America) admitted his “intelligentsia” proclivity on March 25, 2018 at a conference in Japan (part of an Asia-Pacific trip that also included stops in Singapore, New Zealand and Australia—strong evidence of a globalist perspective).  He was candid about his intellectual and moral superiority when he said (quoting from CNN):

"After I left office, what I realized is that the Obama Foundation could potentially create a platform for young, up-and-coming leaders, both in the United States and all around the world to come together, meet together, create a digital platform where they could exchange information," Obama said.

"If I could do that effectively, then I would create a hundred, or a thousand, or a million young Barack Obamas or Michelle Obamas," he added (my bold italics).

           Obama’s body language speaks volumes about his intellectual and moral superiority as in this photograph from a CNN article:

In comparing Obama to Russia’s V. I. Lenin in my article, “Socialist Infiltration of America,” I said:
Among the Bolsheviks, Lenin was considered a demigod who tailored Marxism for the Russian people.  That is why we still refer to Marxism-Leninism to describe Communism in Russia, the former Soviet Union, and in China (even today).  Here is a cartoon that reflects anti-Bolshevik sentiment that Lenin (in the red robe) sacrificed Russia to a statue of Marx.

           Today, Democrats, who embrace progressivism and its Marxist philosophy, sacrifice a formerly liberal[2] America to the altar of racism.  Moreover, Democrats and their progressive demagogues are creating racism (anti-white, anti-cop, anti-anything that is not “Black Lives Matter”) in their alleged campaign to eliminate racism.  This is very consistent with “Leninthink.”  Orwell understood this so well that his dystopian novel, Nineteen Eighty Four, painted a reality we see playing out on our television screens.  Walter Cronkite predicted how this might turn out in a 1983 preface to an edition of Nineteen Eighty-Four:

If not prophecy, what was 1984?  It was, as many have noticed, a warning:  a warning about the future of human freedom in a world where political organization and technology can manufacture power in dimensions that would have stunned the imagination of earlier ages.

Orwell drew upon the technology (and perhaps some of the science fiction) of the day in drawing his picture of 1984.  But it was not a work of science fiction he was writing.  It was a novelistic essay on power, how it is acquired and maintained, how those who seek it or seek to keep it tend to sacrifice anything and everything in its name.

1984 is an anguished lament and a warning that we may not be strong enough nor wise enough nor moral enough to cope with the kind of power we have learned to amass.  That warning vibrates powerfully when we allow ourselves to sit still and think carefully about orbiting satellites that can read the license plates in a parking lot and computers that can tap into thousands of telephone calls and telex transmissions at once and computers that can do our banking and purchasing, can watch the house and tell a monitoring station what television program we are watching and how many people there are in the room.  We think of Orwell when we read of scientists who believe they have located in the human brain the seats of behavioral emotions like aggression, or learn more about the vast potential of genetic engineering.

And we hear echoes of that warning chord in the constant demand for greater security and comfort, for less risk in our societies.  We recognize, however dimly, that greater efficiency, ease, and security may come at a substantial price in freedom, that law and order can be a doublethink version of oppression, that individual liberties surrendered for whatever good reason are freedom lost.

Critics and scholars may argue quite legitimately about the particular literary merits of 1984.  But none can deny its power, its hold on the imaginations of whole generations, nor the power of its admonitions . . . a power that seems to grow rather than lessen with the passage of time.  It has been said that 1984 fails as a prophecy because it succeeded as a warning—Orwell’s terrible vision has been averted.  Well, that kind of self-congratulation is, to say the least, premature.  1984 may not arrive on time, but there’s always 1985.

Still, the warning has been effective; and every time we use one of those catch phrases . . . recognize Big Brother in someone, see a 1984 in our future . . . notice something Orwellian . . . we are listening to that warning again (my bold italics).

Fellow Americans, we are well beyond a warning.  The dangers of Nineteen Eighty-Four are here.  Prayer may inspire us for strength and courage that are so necessary in confronting it.  Prayer is badly needed to notice something Orwellian and to fight it with all our strength. Let us purify ourselves against the rot (evil) that has infected our society.

[1] The new Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force and the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force also somehow survived systemic racism.  Frederick Douglass survived actual slavery and systemic racism, but rose above these conditions to be a staunch advocate for Americanism.  America’s potential for transcendence is inhibited by today’s comforted bigots (or Copernican Drones) who advance the notion of systemic racism for political power.

[2] Liberal implies a belief in liberalism.  Wikipedia presents a fairly accurate description of the values of liberalism.  “Liberalism is a political and moral philosophy based on liberty, consent of the governed and equality before the law.  Liberals espouse a wide array of views depending on their understanding of these principles, but they generally support free markets, free trade, limited government, individual rights (including civil rights and human rights), capitalism, democracy, secularism, gender equality, racial equality, internationalism, freedom of speech, freedom of the press and freedom of religion.”  Liberals among America’s Founders also believed in natural rights—the inalienable rights of equality, life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.  As the political philosopher and former atheist Gerhardt Niemeyer has argued, natural rights is a critical concept in understanding political and social order and can only be understood within the framework of the Judeo-Christian tradition.

1 comment:

  1. A very relevant article related to what leftist education has wrought in America: Men Without Chests. See
