Saturday, June 6, 2020

Being Played



           The Mayor of Minneapolis has asked President Trump for $55 million to cover property damage following George Floyd protests.  Peaceful protests do not cause damage.  Rioting does.  Does the Mayor own any responsibility for promoting or allowing the conditions that enabled or accommodated the harmful rioting?  Is there a political benefit?  I noticed the mayor is a Democrat.

           And then I noticed a pattern of rioting taking place across our Nation—all in Democrat-controlled jurisdictions.  Is there a political benefit?

           The answer is yes.  It controls the narrative and forces the rest of the population to be played by a deliberate agenda.  So far it has had visible effect.
We already see police officers and protestors hugging and white people kneeling (see here and here).  I even received a lengthy email from Uber CEO, Dara Khosrowshahi, arguing for “a conversation” and signing off with the statement, “Lastly, let me speak clearly and unequivocally: Black Lives Matter.

Here’s how CBS contributes to “the conversation,” claiming all white Americans are racist and have contempt for black life.

The mainstream media has fully demonstrated that it is complicit in advancing the Democrat’s political agenda.  Laura Ingraham on Fox News caught them distorting what President Trump said about George Floyd.  Claiming a copyright complaint, Twitter even censored a speech given by President Trump calling for unity.  You can see the speech here.  To the left, President Trump in a liar and a divider.  So, it is alright for the media to lie about what the President actually says and to keep the public from hearing his speeches to unify.

Even Praetorian Guard Flag Officers such as Mattis, Allen, Kelly, McRaven, and others are willing to publicly (perhaps naively) align with a political agenda that is coercively socialistic.

Anecdotal versus Factual Conversations

As a 30-year retired senior officer from the United States Air Force, it is extremely disappointing to see how current senior leaders are being played by the left.  It recently began with an op-ed by the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, celebrated and promoted by the Chief of Staff of the Air Force.  The Chief Master Sergeant asserted he was “a Black man who happens to be the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force,” not “the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force who happens to be a Black man.”  These are not equivalent statements.  They speak loudly about how the Chief chooses to define himself.  For example, he also said ““I am George Floyd … I am Philando Castile, I am Michael Brown, I am Alton Sterling, I am Tamir Rice.”  All of these individuals are known by their encounters with police officers.  All these cases were investigated and prosecuted through our legal system. 

The police officer in the Castile case was arrested, charged, tried, and found not guilty.  In the Sterling case, a Grand Jury chose not to indict the officers involved based on the facts of the case.  In the Rice case, a Grand Jury chose not to indict the officers involved based on the facts of the case.

In the case of Michael Brown, a Grand Jury chose not to indict the officer involved based on the facts and testimony from 60 witnesses.  This case is especially disturbing for two reasons.  First, Brown’s accomplice is the one who claimed Brown had his arms up begging the police officer not to shoot, generating the viral meme, “hands up, don’t shoot.”  None of the 60 witnesses corroborated this claim.  He made it up.  Yet it still animates those, like the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, who want to believe this anecdote, thinking Brown was an innocent victim as opposed to a thug.  Second, the Brown incident allowed the Black Lives Matter (BLM) organization to gain national prominence after it was spawned a year earlier following the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the Trayvon Martin case.  BLM is Marxist-inspired in advancing their “liberate the oppressed” agenda.

The Chief Master Sergeant did not include Martin in his “I am” litany.  Technically Zimmerman was not a police officer; he was a contracted security guard for a private neighborhood.
The main target for hatred by the left are cops and white people.  Based on what?  Mythical anecdotes or facts?  Heather MacDonald provides facts that paint a different picture from what the left advances.  The actual data do not support systemic racism.

This week, the Superintendent of the United States Air Force Academy released his own call for “a conversation.”  His call began with this paragraph:

Years ago, racial tension hit our institution. I insisted then that we could not allow it to define us or question our values. I insisted that if you could not treat someone with dignity and respect, you did not belong here. Today I am asking you to join me once again to renew our commitment to those values.

“Years ago” was the Fall of 2017.  The “racial tension hit our institution” is a reference to an apparent racial incident that occurred at the Prep School.  The news reported that racial slurs (the N-word) were written on white boards outside of the rooms of five black prep school students.  A picture of one of the boards was up channeled into the social media realm.  Local news reported the incident.  The Superintendent reacted to the report by lecturing the Academy’s cadet wing (separate from the Prep School). The Superintendent had the ass chewing up channeled on You Tube, which immediately went viral.  The Superintendent became famous for his “leadership” and the darling of CNN (among other mainstream media) interviews with Don Lemon, to humiliate the President for failing to demonstrate such courageous leadership.
Then, an investigation into the facts revealed that a disgruntled black prep school student was the one who perpetrated the incident.  In other words, it was a hoax.  Yet, the Superintendent refused to back down from his concern about systemic racism.  I wrote about this here.

Do I think the Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force, the Chief of Staff of the Air Force, or the Superintendent of the Air Force Academy are bad guys?  No, I believe they have good intentions.  And I strongly support a conversation.  But are those calling for the conversation ready for the truth?  As Jack Nicholson warned in the movie “A Few Good Men,” can they handle the truth?

What Is the Truth?

As the Federal Bureau of Investigation learned from their surveillance and investigations of the Communist Party in America, very few were actual members of the Communist Party.  They counted on a much larger cohort of fellow travelers and sympathizers who were idealists in combatting poverty, inequality, injustice, and all forms of perceived oppression.

Memoirs reveal both anecdotal and factual evidence of this idealism.  See for example, Douglas Hyde (I Believed and Dedication and Leadership);  Bella Dodd (The School of Darkness), and Louis Budenz (This Is My Story, The Cry Is Peace, The Techniques of Communism).

Perhaps the most powerful memoir (accessible here), especially from an African-American perspective, is by Manning Johnson.  His experience of “being played” and how the American Negro was being played was a painful wake-up call.  He spoke from a very compelling perspective.  And he tried to tell his story.  Unfortunately, the left was securely anchored and content with their idealistic myths.  Today, formidable organizations exist to perpetuate these idealistic myths, such as:  Antifa, BLM, Organizing for Action (OFA), and the Communist Party USA (CPUSA).  All of these groups are aligned with the Democrat Party.

One of my previous articles provided analysis along these lines.  For example, OFA evolved from “Obama for America” prior to 2008 and his first election, to “Organizing for America” going into the 2012 election cycle, to its current title, “Organizing for Action,” which is heavily funded by the Obama Foundation.

CPUSA has boasted about their role in generating 12 million more votes for Democrat candidates for the House of Representatives and 11 million more votes for Democrat candidates for the U.S. House of Representatives during the 2018 midterm elections.

While there is justifiable outrage about the knee on George Floyd’s neck, where is the outrage about how the left has put its boot on the neck of Trump and members within his political circle?  Absolutely none from the political left.  They have been constant in their resolve to politically assassinate President Trump and his political agenda (e.g., Crossfire Hurricane, the Mueller investigation, impeachment, the left’s exploitation and characterization of the COVID-19 crisis, etc.).
Trump and his supporters believe in equality and due process.  This requires truth.  Without truth there can be no justice.
What is justice?  Each deserves their due.  Merit is rewarded.  Criminal behavior is not.

Education is a critical preparation for these concepts.  As Bella Dodd reveals in her book, consistent with Marx and Engels’ prescription in their Communist Manifesto, the Communist Party must control education in order to sufficiently indoctrinate generations on the concepts of class warfare and how a Marxist elite (read Democrat Party in America and its teacher’s unions) is needed to liberate the oppressed.  This might explain why all the major metropolitan communities in America have been dominated for decades by the Democrat Party and its perpetuation of real and perceived oppression among minorities, predominantly the African-American.  These demographics are horrendous in terms of black on black homicides, fatherless families, poverty, abortions, incarcerations, and so forth.

Yes, America is well overdue for a conversation on and prosecution of the corruption of Americanism and its most important value of liberty by the Democrat Party and its anti-American “agents for transformation.”

Is the left open to this conversation?  Do honest Democrats want to know the truth and recognize they have been played?  If not, do they stridently demonstrate what bigotry is all about?        


  1. Great article. Well research with great reference. The closing question is profound.

  2. Google censors conservative thought:

    More important food for thought:

    America Is Not Racist:

  3. I cannot put my mind around the picture of Chauvin's mug shot with his pic taken from from the video with George Floyd. This is not the same person. His left ear is completely different. Internet conspirators say that is the actor from Cash Cab, the tv show.

  4. Here is a positive letter to President Trump by a Catholic Archbishop, who understands the fight being waged against evil forces:

    MSM will amplify Archbishop Gregory's rebuke but not the more thoughtful assessment by Archbishop Vigano.

  5. On June 7, Mark Levin interviewed African-Americans Shelby Steele and Bob Woodson:

    This is THE conversation that needs to be taking place.

  6. An Honest Conversation on Race? by Fletch Daniels:

  7. A Worthy Martyr?

  8. George Orwell's final warning:

  9. Important op-ed by African-American Jason Riley:

  10. An anonymous letter from a professor at US Berkeley:

    Check out the updates following the letter.

  11. Here is a powerful article about the evil of BLM:

  12. CHAZ video footage:

