Sunday, July 3, 2022

What Is a Moron?




This article was inspired by Matt Walsh’s recent book, What Is a Woman?   Walsh discovered “that no one—not doctors, therapists, psychiatrists, or politicians—can actually define the word ‘woman’.”  This despite long standing dictionary definitions, such as “an adult female person.”

Our newly sworn-in justice of the Supreme Court even admitted to not knowing the definition of a woman during her Senate confirmation.  She now sits on the highest court of our Nation (arguably of the free world as well), which judges constitutional issues critically dependent upon clear definition.

How might this happen in Twenty-First Century America—the land of the free and the home of the brave? 

The answer?  Our educational and progressive political factions are producing morons.  How else would one describe those who insist on letting others know what pronouns they go by?

A moron is “a foolish or stupid person.”  The same source for this definition also reveals the use of this term is considered “offensive.”  Here is the announcement: “The terms idiotimbecilemoron, and their derivatives were formerly used as technical descriptors in medical, educational, and regulatory contexts. These uses were broadly rejected by the close of the 20th century and are now considered offensive.” 

I am obliged to point out that the Progressive Era (and its Leftist ideology) became a formidable political presence at the close of the 20th century.

Offensive or not, traditional America is threatened by an alarming and growing population of morons.  The condition is not unique to our era.  Here is wisdom over two millennia-old from the Book of Proverbs (KJV):

·       The fear of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise wisdom and discipline. (1:7)

·       In everything the prudent acts with knowledge, but a fool flaunts his folly. (13.16)

·       The heart of him who has understanding seeks knowledge, but the mouths of fools feed on folly. (15.14)

·       Let a man meet a she-bear robbed of her cubs rather than a fool in his folly. (17.12)

·       The devising of folly is sin, and the scoffer is an abomination to mankind. (24.9)

·       Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest thou also be like unto him. (26: 4)

·       Like a dog that returns to his vomit is a fool who repeats his folly. (26.11)

Now, truth is deliberately or unwittingly spun to be offensive, and it must be leveraged in a way that empowers power. For example, when a demographic enjoys less of the fruits of prosperity or manifests larger percentages of criminal activity, it is called a racial disparity, strongly implying discrimination.  See for example this article about disparity within the Veterans Affairs system.  The megaphone that amplifies this distortion of truth is an army of morons in mainstream and social media.

In his book, What Do White Americans Owe Black People?  Racial Justice in the Age of Post-Oppression, DePaul University Philosophy Professor Jason Hill critiques the institutionalization of spin in university programs.  He sets the tone in this introduction to Chapter 4, “Their Final Solution:  The New Negritudes, Revolutionary Victim Studies, Black Nihilism, and the Abolition of ‘Whiteness’”:

Soon after tasting the victories of this moral eugenics program unleashed against whites’ actual or imagined sins, blacks were voraciously hungry.  They were also filled with anger and explosive rage.  Gratitude was not an emotion they felt, as beneficiaries of the rights accorded them via the civil rights movements.

They were hungry for power—black power.  They were hungry for revenge.  They were hungry to assume the perpetual mantel of victims and the conferral of moral, iconic sainthood that came with it for the first time.  The insignia of moral innocence that they would enjoy as a result of being seen as historical victims would give them a great deal of social capital—in fact, more social capital and political clout than they could have hoped for.  Long after they had achieved that power, and after they had emancipated from the bondage of legal disenfranchisement, too many of them squandered and wasted that capital.  They are now on the verge of self-eviction from the realm of the historical process.

Hill’s analysis explains how universities have become incubators for the “victimhood” mentality, which is clearly Marxist-based.  His analysis is corroborated by such scholars as Bruce Bawer in his book, The Victim’s Revolution:  The Rise of Identity Studies and the Closing of the Liberal Mind.

On a more practical level, champions of identity politics--the Congressional Black Caucus--arranged to further institutionalize “victimhood capital” by chartering the Military Leadership Diversity Commission in the 2009 National Defense Authorization Action, just in time for the inauguration of America’s first black president.  Less than a month after the inauguration, the Department of Defense issued its first publication advancing the concept of “diversity management,” even though efforts to overcome “disparities” based on race, ethnicity, gender, and so forth, are patently in violation of the 1964 Civil Rights Act, which made discrimination in any form illegal. 

Using the Department of Defense as a Petri dish to demonstrate efficacy, President Obama then advanced a campaign to infiltrate the entire federal government with Executive Order 13583 on August 18, 2011.  Eleven years later, we have diversity, inclusion, and equity officers and staff in state governments, academia, and the corporate world.  Participating diversity and inclusion morons have no clue; many even celebrate this dangerous indoctrination.

Like alphabet clones in Aldous Huxley’s Brave New World, beginning in preschool, our children are being groomed to be morons.  There are morons across generations, and despite my hope for them, they tend to be dismissive, even hostile to facts and arguments that threaten their worldview.  The telltale sign is attacks against the messenger, not the message.  Just look at the reaction to the SCOTUS ruling on abortion.

Is America still a good nation when its people argue for killing children in their mother’s womb?  Except for rape or incest, ALL pregnancies stem from CONSENSUAL sexual activity.  This is the first choice the Left completely ignores.  From a pragmatic perspective, duplicity in this form of murder tends to attract votes—a high price to be paid for those who get sacrificed at the altar of secular humanism.  (Nearly four years ago, during the Kavanaugh SCOTUS confirmation hearings, I published an article on the logic of abortion here).

As divided as America is, many—too many--feel enslaved to evolving circumstances beyond their control.  Most stems from ideological bondage.

We are well advised to abide by this passage in John 8:32: And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.  Being free to make moral choices may or not be satisfying in our mortal lives; yet, for all of us, it matters in terms of being in good standing after death.  Moron or not, we are all accountable for our choices,

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