Thursday, October 31, 2019

An Open Letter to the Democratic Congressional Caucus

Dear Democrats in Congress,

          As Americans and the rest of the world watch the circus under way in our nation’s Capitol, you have an opportunity to demonstrate reason and courage.

          Why do I say circus?  A circus is a spectacle designed to attract mindless curiosity.  A circus does not build or solve anything.  It does nothing to change the quality of society’s norms or traditions.  It’s a distraction from normal life.  In this case, it masks an unadulterated play for political power in ways that are contrary to the democratic principle of due process.  But it is also a deliberate attempt to deceitfully move public sentiment in the spirit of mob behavior.  If successful, America’s Constitutional Republic as we have known it will be killed.

          I lived through the Watergate Scandal.  Senator Barry Goldwater substituted for President Nixon as the commencement speaker at my graduation from the USAF Academy in 1973.  Despite Nixon’s winning reelection in a landslide, Democrats were very successful in trying him in the court of public opinion—so successful that Nixon chose to resign before dragging our nation through impeachment proceedings.  Democrats were lucky to have John Dean as their weapon.  Dean was a guileful traitor to Nixon, his colleagues, and our nation.  As more evidence becomes available, the picture we were given is not the real picture.  Two books that reveal a clearer picture (and the corruption involved in taking down a duly elected president) are Geoff Shepard’s The Real Watergate Scandal:  Collusion, Conspiracy, and the Plot that Brought Nixon Down; and Len Colodny’s  Silent Coup:  The Removal of a President.  John Dean, Bob Woodward, and The Washington Post sued unsuccessfully to keep Colodny’s book from being published.  In Colodny’s reasoned analysis, Nixon made mistakes (mostly out of trust for Dean’s legal and political counsel) and was betrayed by the likes of General Alexander Haig (a role model for LTC Alexander Vindman?); but he committed no crimes.

          Back to the circus . . . This is where reason is critical.  Those pushing for impeachment have placed their Party ideology above universal principles of truth, fairness, and justice.  Many Americans are becoming distressed about the emerging nature of today’s Democrat Party with its blatant penchant for leftist values associated with Marxist socialism.  As a member of today’s Democrat Party, I can only conclude that you embrace an ideology that has a terrible historical record.  Tsar Nicholas II of Russia was not only removed by the Bolshevik Party, he and his family were executed.  Contests for political power are not historical exceptions; they represent the dark side of human nature.  History will record your actions in Congress.

          If you believe in truth and justice, and you realize that the left has been working feverishly to deny President Trump the right to serve as a duly elected President, then show some courage for two major reasons.  First, the Democrat Party needs to be refreshed with the capacity for reason, especially on matters (e.g., liberty, fairness, truth, justice) that affect everyone, regardless of political party affiliation.  Second, focus on your role to legislate as opposed to chasing deceitful ways of securing political power.  The current Democratic caucus has been blinded by its overzealous attempt to remove a duly elected President and the values he represents; thus they cannot see how wasteful their time has been in terms of the moral and Constitutional obligation to legislate.  Americans want to vote for those who champion good ideas, and those who respect diversity of thought in a free and just society, especially in a Constitutional Republic.

          We are watching, and we will remember.



An Unruled American Citizen   

1 comment:

  1. Great Article. As a side note, I have watched our nation shift over time to pursue bankruptcy to justify Socialism, while growing our population with hoards on Welfare, Food Stamps, and anything else that looks like free handouts. These individuals are always available to protest, because they don't work for a living; and, are predominantly ignorant masses beholding to Democrats, now including many illegal Aliens and Convicts. When this population exceeds 50% of the voting population and we are converted to Socialism/Communism, I think we will also start seeing Caravans of US Citizens leaving our country!
