Sunday, August 4, 2019

Trump Must Name and Condemn the Evil of Multicultural Ideology



The shootings in El Paso and Dayton are most unfortunate and reflect the hubris of America’s current culture.  Our thoughts and prayers are with the victims and their families.
The title of this essay is a spinoff from a Washington Examiner editorial, “Trump must name and condemn the evil of white nationalism.”  The editorial was prompted by the killing of civilians in El Paso, Texas.  Although well-intended, the editorial merely demonstrates how effective the Marxist left has been at controlling the public narrative.  Eerily, this dynamic is an example of communist Douglas Hyde’s experience as the news editor of London’s The Daily Worker in manipulating other communists and the general public, as described in his memoir, I Believed.  The dynamic also reflects Admiral Ben Moreell’s observations from the 1960s:

Our once free institutions, political, economic, educational and social, are largely in the hands of the proponents of the Welfare State, whose all openly avowed goal is to centralize power in the hands of the political apparatus in Washington. This enhancement of political power at the expense of individual rights, so often disguised as "democracy" or "freedom" or "civil rights," is "socialism," no matter what name tag it bears. Here we should recall the warning of the late Dean Inge:  "History seems to show that the powers of evil have won their greatest triumphs by capturing the organizations which were formed to defeat them, and that when the devil has thus changed the contents of the bottles, he never alters the labels. The fort may have been captured by the enemy, but it still flies the flag of its defenders."[1]
White supremacy . . . white nationalism . . . these are the crimes being advanced by the Washington Examiner and other critics based on the El Paso shooting.  According to social media statements, the shooter expressed anti-Mexican sentiments.  If we are to reason (or mimic) like the Examiner, then we are supposed to leap to the conclusion that America is threatened by white nationalism.  And if we are to maximize political capital (abundantly visible on today’s Meet the Press) from the event, then we are to blame guns for the violence and casualties.  How many guns were responsible for the 3,000+ casualties on 9/11?  And despite the unfortunate number of gun-related homicides, they pale when compared to the number of suicides afflicting our country.

The Examiner editorial board stated:

Plenty in the media and in politics blame Trump for the rise of white nationalism. Many of them are the same folks who have always argued that conservatism — whether tax cuts, defense of the unborn, or belief in free enterprise — is just thinly veiled racism, and on these grounds alone they don't deserve to be taken seriously. Even so, a president has to be above the blame game played by his critics. The single best way to prove them wrong would be for Trump to crusade actively against white nationalism.

The apparent “acculturated” thinking by Examiner editors may explain the incongruity of “a president has to be above the blame game” and the imperative to “crusade actively against white nationalism.”  Does this imperative also imply the need for a crusade against “white privilege” and any opposition to reparations and secular humanistic values?  For the supposedly educated members of the Examiner’s editorial board, this thinking puts its readers, if they buy into it, on a very slippery slope.
What motivates someone like the El Paso, Dayton, Columbine High School, Aurora theater (among other incidents) shooters?  Can reason be to blame?  What is reasoned about racial supremacy and its connection to murder?  The brutal answer:  absolutely nothing.
If reason has any moral basis, then how can one take the life of another person except as a matter of self-defense?  This question becomes more complicated when talking about war.  Even in this case, civil societies have defined moral boundaries as to what is just and unjust during war.  Islamic jihad further complicates this question because hostile actions stem from ideology and not the security interests of a nation-state.

This is the pressing issue for America:  ideology, especially multicultural ideology.  The Marxist left advocates for multiculturalism because it becomes its ammunition against classical liberal political philosophy that originally defined America.  Classical liberalism--with its emphasis on individual liberty, private property, limited government, free market/free enterprise grounded in the Judeo-Christian tradition-- served as the organizing principle for American nationalism.  As a melting pot, American nationalism involved assimilation by a diversified population.

Multiculturalism is contradictory to the notion of assimilation and can only advance and survive based on acculturation, which is politically coercive.  Multiculturalism fragments and alienates.  It turns many into strangers in a strange land.[2]  Some become so alienated they find themselves on the dark side of humanity.  They act out on their pain—some through suicide, some through homicide.
We don’t hear the Marxist left address this form of alienation; to the contrary, they exploit this alienation in order to agitate and organize against classical liberalism, and we hear a lot about capitalist exploitation—Bernie Sanders and other leftist candidates are very bold and candid in their public statements.
Capitalism fuels prosperity.  Prosperity is not possible without capitalism.  The corruption known as greed occurs in any economic system, capitalist or socialist.  Unfortunately, bigoted views can obscure objective analysis—another product of the hubris of America’s modern culture as demonstrated in this pathetic article by Jeff Guo, formerly with The Washington Post.

Capitalist exploitation does not explain the brutal life in inner cities, such as Baltimore, Chicago, and Detroit.  These are communities that have been run by Marxist leftist policies for decades.
When President Trump pulls the band aid off of this cancer, he’s labeled a racist.  And now, when a conservative editorial board picks up the left’s mantra about white supremacy, we may have crossed the Rubicon as a free and just nation.  This assertion does not deny the existence of white supremacists, or black supremacists, or climate change supremacists, or racists, or idiots, and so forth.  There is a huge difference between mole hills and mountains.  And as an old allusion by Aristotle states, “one swallow does not make a summer.”

For more analysis along these lines, I recommend some past Gadfly articles:


[1] This quote is from a speech, “The Right to Be Wrong,” delivered on November 22, 1963—the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated—published in Vital Speeches, Volume XXX, Number 5, December 1963.  Note:  Dean Inge is Dean William Ralph Inge who was an English clergyman and writer. Inge’s quote is from Christian Ethics and Modern Problems, Kessinger Publishing, 2003 (originally published in 1930 by Putnam Sons), p. 142.

[2] Archbishop Charles J. Chaput captured this phenomenon in his book, Strangers in a Strange Land:  Living the Catholic Faith in a Post-Christian World, (New York, NY:  Henry Holt and Company, 2017).


  1. The shooters and victims have become instruments for political capital. Check out today's New York Times's David Leonhardt, Charles Blow, and others.

  2. What we are witnessing is voter suppression techniques. Combine this with voter shifting (through search engine and social media manipulation), the left is working hard on their blue wave. In 2016, Hillary won the popular vote by 2.4 million. Expert analysis of search engine and social media manipulation claim they shifted 2.6 to 10.4 million votes in support of Hillary. See John Bachtell, national chair of CPUSA, takes credit for generating 12 million more votes (45 million versus 33 million) for Democrats in the 2018 midterm elections. See

  3. Gadfly,

    The shootings have nothing to do with socialism or communism. The fact that some of the ultra-left presidential candidates are trolling for votes by endorsing socialist policies is irrelevant.

    Trumps efforts to stem the open borders are needed but his rhetoric is creating problems evidenced by the “shoot them” at one of his recent rallies for which he only smiled. He won’t counter this as so much of his base is made up of white supremacists.

    Large magazine rapid fire guns are not the cause of mass shootings but they provide the opportunity. They are not needed for any other reason except to help their owners compensate for their feelings of inadequacy.

    The statement, “How many guns were responsible for the 3,000+ casualties on 9/11?” is stupid.

    I was the FEMA regional director in Chicago for two years in 1993-95 and state categorically that this statement, “Capitalist exploitation does not explain the brutal life in inner cities, such as Baltimore, Chicago, and Detroit. These are communities that have been run by Marxist leftist policies for decades” is also stupid. Anyone who would say this doesn’t understand Marxism.


    1. John,

      The article is about America's modern culture and the threat of multiculturalism. Marxism is very much a central feature of this phenomenon. I do not assert this based on hunch or conjecture. It is based on a deep study of the Manifesto of the Communist Party and a whole set of memoirs by people such as Douglas Hyde, Bella Dodd, Manning Johnson, Whitaker Chambers, and others.

      Marxism seeks to destroy the family because Engels and Marx believed it to be the fundamental basis for capitalism within a society.

      Marxism claims to be the liberator of the oppressed and alienated. Classes are needed for this. This is why identity politics and multiculturalism are critical conditions (even if they are imaginary) for the "liberators."

      Its goals are explicit: See pages 26 and 27 of the Manifesto here:

      Why do leftist candidates secure 97% of the black vote? Manning Johnson explains it in his memoir available here:

      I agree with your point about gun magazines.

      I may deserve the "stupid" label if you would kindly support it with counter-evidence.


  4. Great discussion and enlightening. Why pick FEMA for a career - let alone for Chicago? Your true colors are showing John - some other Progressive hell bent on spending Taxpayer revenue that never goes to real solutions. At least you don't try to conceal your sentiments with radical spin in a facade to appease the ignorant Kool Aid drinkers who lean to MSNBC and CNN for supposed information. Not much focus on the Sanders Fan shooting up Dayton, OH. I was surprised to see the 100 round Clip used - wonder where that was purchased, not something stocked by average Gun Stores. How do you keep guns out of the hands of Criminals - let them get consistently shot by Law abiding Citizens might help!
