Sunday, June 9, 2019

Is Peace Possible for America’s Political Left



During today’s Catholic Mass, I noticed a uniquely worded passage in The Gloria: “Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to people of good will” (Luke 2:15).  Why, I pondered, does it not simply say “peace on earth to all people”?  The answer, I concluded, depends on the meaning and internalization of the terms, peace and good will.  The implications are disturbing for today’s political divide and the status of America.

            The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines peace (primarily for this essay) as “1 a state of tranquility or quiet:  such as (a) freedom from civil disturbance; and (b) a state of security or order within a community provided for by law or custom; 2 freedom from disquieting or oppressive thoughts or emotions; 3 harmony in personal relations; and 4 a state or period of mutual concord between governments.”

            According to, good will means a disposition to kindness and compassion.  Whether spelled as “goodwill” or “good will,” it joins two words from Old English meanings where good refers to virtuous god; and will refers to a wish.   So, when you wish someone well — when you feel friendly or compassionate — you have goodwill toward that person.

          Peace is about one’s milieu—the state of one’s habitat, where we live, work, and play.  Certainly, the news on a 24-hour basis reports a constant state of civil disturbance and oppressive thoughts and emotions; and periodic dysfunctional personal relations (especially in the senseless school shootings), and discord between governments (especially the national/federal versus the states as in the recent abortion legislation in a few states).  Many Americans are not at peace.

          How does the left seek peace for all Americans?  Do they express good will toward those who are not of the left?  When President Trump was accused of supporting white supremacy at Charlottesville, it was based on a comment about good people on both sides.  The reason Charlottesville happened was because of discord about Confederate memorials.  In his statement following confrontation between rival groups, Trump criticized the violence and expressed good will toward broader groups who believed they should be taken down and those who believed they should remain.  One of the major participating groups from the left was one called Antifa, which is shorthand for anti-fascist.  A couple minutes of research will reveal that this is a communist group, similar to other communist groups in the 20th Century.  Antifa has a global presence.  Communists and fascists are manifestations of socialism—both left of center.  And, they both agitate for dominance that oppresses free thought and emotions among those who are not among their political factions.

            How does oppressing free thought and emotions happen in America?  It starts with political correctness.  Notice how political correctness is regulated by the left.  First, the left created oppressed groups, generally understood as political identity groups.  We know who they are:  women, minorities, the LGBT groups, illegal aliens, Muslims, and so forth.  Women are excellent instruments for the left’s ruling elite.  They are oppressed by privileged white men, with old white men being the worst.  They resent being discouraged from murdering the children in their wombs because this violates their reproductive rights (hmmm, how is aborting a life consistent with the right to reproduce?).  There are many compassionate groups that understand pregnancies can be unintended or untimely and offer to help through adoption.  What is compassionate about terminating a life, which is one of the inalienable rights given to us by God?  God gives life and people destroy it.  All humans are vulnerable to the capital sins or vices of pride, greed, lust, envy, gluttony, wrath, and sloth.  Yet, God is merciful to those who repent but also just, granting peace to people of good will or misery for people who do not practice good will.
Second, progressive policies such as Lyndon Johnson’s The Great Society made minorities, primarily black then Hispanic groups, dependent upon government largess, resulting in most of today’s Democrat-run inner cities that are rampant with fatherless children, poverty, and gangs.  There is nothing compassionate about progressive policies that perpetuate this kind of life.  To the contrary, the left has shackled members of these identity groups with the illusions of being oppressed.  Plato brilliantly captured these dynamics in his Cave allegory.  Fake news (members of the left’s political elite) contributes to the illusions.  Do you ever wonder why you will often hear, “don’t watch Fox News,” but hardly ever hear “don’t watch or read (fill in the blank other than Fox News)?

Third, extending the power of political correctness, the left creates “hate crimes”—another form of oppressing free thought and emotions.  For example, if I state that homosexual behavior is a mutation from the natural order of things based on phenotype (genetic trait interaction with one’s environment; see also here and here), not strictly genotype; then, I am labeled with a disordered condition known as homophobia.  Worse, if I label homosexual activity as sinful, not only am I labeled with homophobia, I would be called a religious bigot.  Both would be hate crimes.  The real world impact is such that business people have paid the price for choosing not to participate in same-sex weddings, even after showing kindness and compassion by recommending other vendors willing to support their wishes.
Colorado, among a handful of other “blue” states has banned conversion therapy—no surprise as the governor is gay and married to another man.  This is a form of therapy that is designed to help an individual transition from homosexual to heterosexual orientations.  It is controversial according to LGBT activist groups.  Many individuals who struggle with the conflict between behavior and conscience seek this kind of help voluntarily.  Younger individuals may be compelled by parents trying to help their children.  There is no kindness or compassion extended to parents who want to do what they believe is best for their children.  The state (i.e., the political elite) knows better.  Facts have no relevance here in that suicide rates among homosexuals is seven times greater than for heterosexuals.

Fourth, the left begins early to shape the illusions of oppression.  A recent trip to Barnes & Noble revealed a display of books targeting 4- to 8-year-old children.  The display said, “Social Awareness for Children.”  Themes throughout these books talked about agitating for one’s rights, resisting oppression, gender equality, diversity, and so forth.  There was nothing in any of these books that talked about good manners, respect for customs and tradition, knowledge, and so forth.  Colorado recently passed a law that funds full-day kindergarten.  The local news showed clips of Colorado’s governor reading books to children.

Regarding the present, the left agonizes about Trump’s fitness to hold office.  A two-year investigation led by Robert Mueller found no collusion but demurred on obstruction.  Ironically, Mueller hesitated on making a finding on the obstruction matter by saying that had he discovered sufficient evidence that Trump was innocent on obstruction, he would have said so.  In other words, in Mueller’s mind, Trump was guilty unless proven innocent.  This is contrary to American jurisprudence that says all American citizens are presumed to be innocent unless and until proven guilty.  This stunt was purely a political ploy by Mueller—there was not the slightest ounce of good will by Mueller and his henchmen on behalf of America’s system of justice.
According to the left, of which Mueller and his henchmen were a willing and witting instrument, Trump’s real crime was getting elected.  Since winning Electoral College votes is not a crime, the left got very creative in attempting to manufacture crimes.  Despite the Mueller setback, the left can count on a complicit media as they press forward with impeachment hearings—show trials to influence public opinion as Walter Cronkite prophesied in his Preface to the 1983 edition of George Orwell’s dystopian novel, Nineteen Eighty-Four:
. . . From the show trials of the pre-war Soviet Union to the dungeon courts of post-revolutionary Iran, 1984’s vision of justice as foregone conclusion is familiar to us all.  As soon as we were introduced to such things, we realized we had always known them.
. . . If not prophecy, what was 1984?  It was, as many have noticed, a warning:  a warning about the future of human freedom in a world where political organization and technology can manufacture power in dimensions that would have stunned the imagination of earlier ages.
. . . 1984 is an anguished lament and a warning that we may not be strong enough nor wise enough nor moral enough to cope with the kind of power we have learned to amass (bold italics added for emphasis).
 Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi wants Trump in prison because he’s covering up crimes.  There is no good will in this perspective, especially when no specific crime or crimes have been established by legitimate law enforcement actions.  Pelosi is third in the line of succession as President of the United States.  This protocol by itself makes Pelosi a very powerful person.  While Trump surprisingly won the presidential election despite all the predictions, he did win with 63 million votes and a decisive margin in the Electoral College (304 to 227).  Pelosi on the other hand was elected by 274,000 votes in the 12th District of California (the entire city of San Francisco).  There is a substantial difference in political mandates.  Despite her “public” position that is opposed to impeachment, her actions speak louder in that she is allowing Democrat-controlled committees to essentially pursue impeachment hearings.

How far has the left drifted from any notion of good will?  The Old English meaning of the term good is “virtuous” god.  According to Gallup Polls, 96% of Americans, speaking New English, affiliated with Christian religious denominations in the year 1956. Today, that number is in the 60% range, with most of that change stemming from the left.  Today, in Democrat-controlled House committees, “So help me God” has been removed from the oath when swearing in witnesses.

So much for peace to people of good will, let alone for the greater glory of God.  Nonetheless, we need Americans with good will (stemming from virtuous God) and the courage to act for the greater glory of God.  The trustees for the University of Alabama demonstrated such courage when they returned a very large donation from an alumnus trying to undermine recent legislation on abortion.  They chose life over power.  "Glory to God in the highest, and peace on earth to people of good will."    

1 comment:

  1. Gadfly,
    Consistent with your thesis, I just now read Dennis Praeger's column, "Leftism Makes People Meaner: Reflections on the Torture of Paul Manafort" at
