Friday, October 23, 2015

Street Light Truth

AM:  Contrary to Democrat claims and even the New York Times Editorial Board position of “nothing new here,” yesterday’s Benghazi hearing revealed a lot.

IM:  I agree.  It demonstrated what I call street light truth, where the one who controls the streetlight, controls what is illuminated (even by the very objective, by their standards, New York Times).  Yesterday, there was a tug-of-war for control of the street light.  Republicans tried to shine light on how the Benghazi narrative was developed and Democrats tried to move the light to trivial or unrelated matters; but, worse, Democrats accused Republicans of political smear. 

Old Gadfly:  What made the greatest impression on you?

AM:  Evidence of deception and obfuscation.  In the run up to the Presidential election, many of us suspected the “video claim” was a deliberate deception.

IM:  At the time, I thought American leadership was being somewhat duplicitous by impugning freedom of speech if there really was such a video.  And our government even “tracked down” the video creator, arrested him, and sent him to prison.  The word, “fraud,” seems to have been the central reason for the conviction.

Old Gadfly:  Ironic isn’t it?  Fraud means deceit or trickery for profit or to gain some unfair or dishonest advantage.  I watched the hearing and what Republicans revealed was a clear case of fraud for political gain.

AM:  Remember, this attack occurred not only on the anniversary of the September 11, 2001 attacks on the World Trade Center, but within weeks of a Presidential election.  Obama’s campaign slogan was:  “GM alive, bin Laden dead, al Qaeda on the run.”

IM:  Within 72 hours of Obama’s second-term inauguration, Hillary testified before a Senate Committee.  During this testimony, she still defended the video narrative.  When she said, “What difference will it make,” I got a chill up my spine (no, not down my leg) that Hillary was actually being transparent—Obama won the election, after all, so let’s press forward. 

Even Harry Reid was finally transparent in admitting he lied on the Senate floor to defeat Romney. 

AM:  This was further evidence, in my mind, that the current cohort of Democrats truly believe in a win-lose strategy.  They subscribe to any means to achieve this end.  And if they can’t win, then both must lose.

Old Gadfly:  This dynamic explains to a certain extent the circumstances in Iraq—Bush had bipartisan support before going into Iraq; yet when it was reported that Bush had nearly 90% approval ratings for doing this, I anticipated Democrats would recognize the balance of political capital would favor Republicans.  Sure enough, Democrats and a complicit media forced Bush into a two-front war against foreign-born insurgents in Iraq and an opposing political party in America. By the way, the Democrat victory in this case is still providing fraudulent ammunition for today’s political contest.  But we’ll save this for a future discussion.

AM:  Wow, the street light is illuminating some serious corruption in American politics.  This brings me to the second impression the hearing made on me:  obfuscation.  Congressman Cummings was the lead pit bull in this effort.  He worked very hard to defend Hillary while viciously attacking committee Republicans.  Cummings and other Democrats kept complaining that the seven previous hearings found nothing, had consumed 18 months and nearly $5 million in taxpayer funding; Chairman Gowdy asked where were the Democrat complaints when it was revealed the Administration had invested $50 million to train four or five Syrian rebels.  Chairman Gowdy’s point was right on target, except the amount was $500 million, not $50 million.  The obfuscation by Democrats was to shift the light on Hillary strengths and successes.  But, if you were to listen to a progressive news analyst like Rachel Maddow of MSNBC News, you see more evidence of street light truth by criticizing the waste of $500 million and then linking that criticism not to Obama but by suggesting none of the current Republican Presidential candidates should be taken seriously.  See the pathetic analysis here.

IM:  You would think Congressman Cummings would keep a lower profile.

Old Gadfly:  Why?

IM:  While mainstream media is reluctant to shine a light on it, Cummings has fingerprints on the IRS scandal (for example, see here, here, and here).   Cummings and his staff were involved in clear attempts (and an unconstitutional abuse of power) to silence political opposition.

AM:  Aren’t we missing the 800 pound gorilla in this discussion?

Old Gadfly:  Shine a light on it.

AM:  Think “cover up.”

Old Gadfly:  You’re teasing us.

AM:  How many Americans died during the Watergate incident?

IM:  None.

AM:  At Benghazi?

IM:  Four.

AM:  That’s correct.  What was the motivation for the Watergate break-in (the Democratic Committee National Headquarters)?

IM:  It involved breaking and entering in an attempt to discover democrat strategy.

AM:  Correct.  But it was the “cover up” that generated the greatest interest and outrage. 

IM:  So who is the gorilla?

AM:  Hillary Rodham as a recent Yale law school graduate and staff member of the House Judiciary Committee doing legal groundwork to impeach Nixon.  While there are conflicting recollections (for example, see here and here) between some key members of the staff, two facts are undisputed:  Hillary wrote a memorandum that declared Nixon had no legal right to counsel during an impeachment process, and she collaborated in concealing evidence (in other words, made arrangements to prevent public access to relevant legal documents).  The concealed evidence in this case established a precedent in terms of the right to counsel in a previous impeachment proceeding involving US Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas.  Let me repeat, Hillary and others concealed it. 

IM:  Of course, Hillary was also intimately aware of the legal maneuvering involved an impeachment attempt against her own husband when he was President.

AM:  And look how they trashed those who brought scrutiny to Bill Clinton—not just Monica Lewinsky, but Paula Jones, and others who were sexual assault victims.  My good friend and former professional colleague, Buzz Patterson, a former military aid to President Bill Clinton, had the courage to present first-hand testimony about the Clinton’s abuse of power and varied corrupt behaviors in his book, Dereliction of Duty.  Buzz made a special point that there was a plastic box of files that never left Hillary’s presence.  Hmmmmmm . . . do you think they might have included files of evidence in the Whitewater case?  After all, a constant refrain from the Clintons when asked about wrongdoing in Whitewater was not that they were innocent of any wrongdoing; the response was “there is no evidence.”  So, is there any surprise that Hillary made sure there was no evidence of any wrongdoing while she was Secretary of State?

Old Gadfly:  Notice, none of the Benghazi hearings inquired about what the American presence at Benghazi was all about.  We, however, have discussed this in previous discussions (see here, here, and here) about CIA gun running for Syrian rebels.  Was this legal?  Now we know the Syrian rebel force consists of a formidable force of four to five men.  But where have all the arms gone?  How did the Jordanian fighter pilot get shot down?  Where did that missile come from?  But I digress.

AM:  Wouldn’t honesty be refreshing?

Old Gadfly:  The progressives sadly believe, as did Jack Nicholson in the movie, “A Few Good Men,” “you can’t handle the truth.”  Even after this latest Benghazi hearing, Hillary still has 53% of the vote in Iowa.  That is a large segment of our population that is truly drunk, looking for truth under the street light controlled by progressives.


  1. The Democrats did the same crap at the Planned Parenthood hearings...and the neutered Republicans let them run all over them...because unfortunately both parties have went over and drank the progressive koolaid...I fear and pray for this country is rapidly going down...its decay is exponentially increasing...and the next large scale disaster is going to tip us into a revolution...

    1. I agree. Too many have certainly been programmed to think and respond based on political correctness.

      Hayek's analysis in the Road to Serfdom is brilliant. He did a great job in contrasting socialism and capitalism. One of the trickier parts was his explanation about how the words liberalism and conservatism have morphed over time. In his preface to a later edition (written for an American audience) he explained how the word liberal had been taken hostage by socialists. And now, liberalism is aligned with progressivism, which is an assault on the concept of liberty.

      One of my all time favorite movies that captures this notion of negligence in deference to a central power is the movie, Judgment at Nuremberg. There is a scene where Spencer Tracy (chief judge) meets Marlene Dietrich (widow for an executed German general) at a local restaurant. Earlier in the day, the chief prosecutor played films of what was discovered at the concentration camps (evidence). Dietrich says, "I heard Colonel Jackson showed his favorite films today." The tone and characterization of these films visibly shocked Tracy. Responding to the body language, Dietrich responds, "You don't think we knew what was happening, do you?" Tracy said "I don't know what to believe." In the background a band is playing music, people are singing. The entire scene speaks volumes: we did not know, we did not want to know, and we don't care; life moves on. The scene left a knot in my stomach, making me think this is the height of modern European civilization and an example of what T.S. Eliot captured in his poem, "The Hollow Men."

      Thank you for responding to the article.


  2. I watched a good part of this and it moved me from slightly to right (Rubio, Kasich) to able to support Clinton if the Republicans nominate someone I cannot support (Cruz, Huckabee). She actually came across as cool under fire which appeals to Marines.

    Even Geraldo stated on Fox that there was no smoking gun. If there was fraud then it would have been actionable and there would have been a follow up. Not calling it a terrorist attack was stupid but it does not rise to the “high crimes and misdemeanors” standard. Most of the stuff was picayune.

    The Committee did the Republican Party no favors. They came across as nasty vindictive group intent on a smear campaign. McCarthy was right. Based on what I saw I would characterize the Republican committee members as “little people, a silly people. Greedy, barbarous and cruel (T.E.Laurence).” They did not do themselves any good and need to shut it down as soon as they are able.

    As an aside, if you are looking for misleading, consider Paul Ryan’s assertion that he ran a marathon in 2h52m until a runners group found the actual record a 4h07m. He tried to pan this off as an honest mistake but every runner I know knows exactly what their time have been.


    1. John,

      Thank you for your counterarguments. I offer two comments in response.

      First, even after three years, Congressional oversight committees have had incredible difficulty getting access to what is by law regarded as public records. Without access to such materials, there can be malfeasance and abuses of power that have no accountability.

      Second, while misrepresenting one's marathon time is disappointing, it did not influence the outcome of the race, which is far less consequential than a Presidential election and an honest accounting for four lives lost.


    2. The point of the Benghazi hearing was not just to "get answers for the families of the fallen" as is so often stated by proponents of the process.

      The POINT is this: If political narratives were driving foreign-policy and national security decisions then, it is likely that they STILL are.

      The administration is PRESENTLY planning to import several hundred thousand refugees from Syria and other mid-east countries destroyed by the rise of ISIS. The story from our Admin is that the only way to prevent a humanitarian holocaust is for the Western countries in Europe and America to RELOCATE large portions of the populations afflicted.

      We're to believe that to "make way" for the rise of the Caliphate is preferable to PROTECTING a SAFE ZONE.

      We're to accept that the risk of infiltration by combatants and terrorists isn't real - it's a paranoid delusion produced by racism.

      We're to believe further, that the en-mass migration of a population known for its disinclination to assimilate to Western Societies poses no threat of displacement to the populations imposed upon. And that having "made way" for the rise of the Caliphate is somehow a harbinger of peace in the middle-east.

      At what point do we recognize that delusional ideology - supported by deceitful story-lines and corrupt practices - is driving the US foreign policy. At what point will we awaken and reclaim our Constitutional obligation to control an out-of-control Administration and put our country back on track?

  3. Among the most significant of the hearing's findings (in my view):
    1. While Bloomenthall had very personal access to HRC - our Ambassador did not. HRC makes much of the "EXPERTS" to which she abdicated SOC responsibility for security. She states that the Ambassador's "regular channels" access thru them were sufficient - when the OBVIOUS truth is that they failed to increase - or even to refrain from DECREASING the security posture.
    2. NEVER PRODUCED: The set of recommendations from HRC's much lauded "security experts" Since it was they and not the SOC supposedly driving security decisions, why did the HRC camp not produce a single document citing their satisfaction with conditions - that would have vindicated her, would it not?
    3. The evidence produced in this hearing offers PROOF POSITIVE that the video story was a deliberate lie. While we knew it before, the EVIDENCE now of record takes away the "plausible deniability" they'd enjoyed with their "fog of war" routine.
    4. The deliberate concealment of her private server's existence initially and (failing that) the evidence on it (attempting to wipe it) provides PROOF POSITIVE of HRC attempted Obstruction of Justice. The FBI may not be able to charge it, though, because in the end, the attempt failed. HRC gets the political benefit of time elapsed for free.

    1. Patricia,

      Excellent points. Thank you.

      There is an important dynamic at play here: what picture do the facts paint? Republicans sought facts to determine the truth. Democrats, on the other hand, already had their "truth," despite facts to the contrary. This is exactly what George Lakoff, the leading progressive intellectual who mentors Democrats on framing ideas, preaches. In his Thinking Points, a Handbook for Progressives, Lakoff claims it is the frame that matters. If facts fit the frame, OK. If not, the facts are irrelevant. This is why they have been successful in "painting" images of Republicans as anti-government, anti-women, anti-immigrant, and so forth. This is an inaccurate portrayal of Republicans, but it resonates with a large segment of the population. Democrat framing is pure propaganda.

