Monday, December 15, 2014

Hope and Change: Christmas

Old Gadfly:  Gentlemen, may I wish you a Merry Christmas?

IM (an American citizen with an inquiring mind):  Yes, thank you!  I don’t mind because I’m Christian.  In fact, I welcome Christmas, because it reminds me of hope for salvation and change in the hearts of men.

AM (an American combat aviator with an inquiring mind):   I don’t mind either, but it makes me a little nervous if other people are nearby because it might offend some of them.  IM, your idea of hope and change are not the same as that promised by the progressive’s Messiah—Barack Obama.  His hope is for all Americans to benefit from the redistribution of wealth managed by a central government.  Their form of change involves changing the institutions of individual liberty into institutions of collective liberty.

IM:  It’s sad that so many in America are not so free to openly believe in the hope and change promised by Jesus Christ—who actually died for our redemption. 

Old Gadfly:  What I find immoral about this is that progressives are using public education to program our children as to what they are allowed or expected to think.  Just yesterday, my daughter and her husband explained to me that they were specifically directed not to use words such as Jesus, Christ, Christmas, nativity scene, or any other Christian-related expression in their classrooms.  It is alright however to express other religious terms and concepts.  My daughter was seriously emotionally and spiritually wounded by this mandate.  She and her family recently returned from a seven-year stay in China where religion is mostly practiced in secret.  Now she has returned to her country to find that it is becoming like China.  She sympathized with the person explaining these policies because schools are becoming targets for lawsuits.  While many in these schools believe they would more likely win suits in the courts, they can’t afford the cost of litigation.

IM:  So, obviously there is a deliberate effort to deny Americans the freedom to proclaim their belief in Jesus Christ and the traditional national holiday of Christmas.  Yet, what if I told you that anyone who does not believe that global warming is human caused is a denier or Neanderthal?

AM:  Then based on that belief I am a Neanderthal.  While Jonathan Gruber, the Obamacare architect, is an opportunist now wealthy (from taxpayer funded payments via federal and state governments) from his scheming, he may be right about Americans being stupid.  I recently watched an interview of Al Gore at the Aspen Institute.  He is very passionate about his global warming crusade.  As co-founder and chairman of Generation Investment Management, and a senior partner at Kleiner Perkins Caufield & Byers, Gore is amassing a fortune in green energy projects.  Most of the money comes from the government (that is taxpayer revenue).  This is definitely redistribution of the wealth, but it is not for those who might need it.  It is one of the benefits of crony capitalism.

Old Gadfly:  This year, the European Union realized that green energy initiatives were unaffordable.  They discovered that idealism must be reconciled with realism.  How many Americas who recite the green energy mantra know this?  What I find very concerning is that President Obama wants to “educate” our children to make sure they believe the right thing about global warming (or climate change).  He is doing this through the new “Climate Education and Literacy Initiative” through the White House’s Office of Science and Technology Policy.  According to the U.S. News & World Report, “The administration wants students and teachers to toe the line on climate change,” and that the Administration “will distribute science-based information—in line with the administration’s position on the issue—to students, teachers and the broader public.”

IM:  Progressives are threatened by Christianity—this is why they try to achieve a moral high road with their notion (and quite frankly, folklore) of science.  Christian values are not consistent with progressive values.  Thomas Woods, a Harvard and Columbia-trained historian, converted from Lutheranism to Roman Catholicism, and has written an informative book:  How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization.  Here is the opening paragraph:

Philip Jenkins, a distinguished professor of history and religious studies at Pennsylvania State University, has called anti-Catholicism the one remaining acceptable prejudice in America.  His assessment is difficult to dispute.  In our media and popular culture, little is off-limits when it comes to ridiculing or parodying the Church.  My own students, to the extent that they know anything at all about the Church, are typically familiar with alleged Church “corruption,” of which they heard ceaseless tales of varying credibility from their high school teachers.  The story of Catholicism, as far as they know, is one of ignorance, repression, and stagnation.  That Western civilization stands indebted to the Church for the university system, charitable work, international law, the sciences, important legal principles, and much else besides has not exactly been impressed upon them with terrific zeal.  Western civilization owes far more to the Catholic Church than most people, Catholics included—often realize.  The Church, in fact, built Western civilization.[1]  

Old Gadfly:  So far, progressives are “hopeful” that Pope Francis will “change” Catholic doctrine to be more compatible with progressive values.  Pope Francis recently punished an American Cardinal for his more conservative views.  The pressure being placed on Pope Francis is really no different from the temptations of Christ in the desert (Matthew 4:1-11 and Luke 4:1-13).  Progressives want to celebrate the victory of secularism over Christianity.  The real test is that Pope Francis is a Jesuit.  Jesuits have a controversial history with the Vatican.  Jesuits openly collaborated with Marxist efforts in South and Central America.    By the way, California Governor Jerry Brown was a Jesuit in training—so this may explain his Marxist approach to public policy.  We may soon see whether Pope Francis is a progressive Catholic or a Catholic progressive.  If he chooses to go against traditional doctrine of the Church, then he may demonstrate that he is a progressive Catholic, where his political views determine his religious positions.

IM:  It seems that this time of the year might be an opportunity to truly reflect on what really matters in this mortal life, especially for those of us who believe in accountability after death.

Old Gadfly:  Perhaps those who feel compelled to buy the “Happy Holidays” expression are the true Mother Nature deniers.

[1] Thomas E. Woods, Jr., How the Catholic Church Built Western Civilization, (Washington, D.C.: Regnery Publishing, Inc., 2005), p. 1.

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